Иностранные языки
Дополнительные материалы
Задания на контрольные работы
Конспекты лекций
- Articles. Complete these sentences with a/an where necessary. Complete the sentences
- As for me it’s quite natural to like one’s place of living not depending on its beauty or the comfort of living
- Ask students to look at the cartoon on the opposite page and explain the answers to the following questions
- Choosing a profession, factors. Moral satisfaction. A lucrative job is a perfect job
- Cinema is perhaps the most wide spread kind of art all over the world
- City and Country life. But let’s find out which is the best
- Country studies: Canada. Canada’s history, geography and cultural identity
- Die belarussische staatliche wirtschaftsuniversität
- Discuss the types of various stylistic devices used individually and in their convergence, analyse their role in providing additional information
- Exam Text Summary Tips. The article (the text) under consideration is headlined
- Forget the fifty-fifty approach. Disagree without being disagreeable
- Give your ideas about a healthy way of life. Speculate on the laws of health. Prove that prevention is better than cure
- History of the USA. Early History of the American Continent. Native Americans
- I think it’s a common opinion that no matter what race, age or social strata is – everybody likes watching films
- Imagery, tropes, metaphor, metonymy, irony,epithet, simile, zeugma, pun
- In spite of a comparatively small area Great Britain strikes visitors by the diversity/ variety of its
- Insert to where necessary before the infinitives in brackets. Use the required form of the infinitive in brackets
- Introduction to intercultural communication. Communication and culture
- Lea el texto consultando el diccionario y trate de comprender su contenido
- Music is magnificent. The life we are used to would be completely different without any of the five senses we have
- Nationalities and stereotypes. Apparently, societies change over time and people do as well but the reputations lag behind
- Non-finite forms of the verb. The infinitive, forms of the infinitive
- Outline the geographical position of the British Isles in the world referring to its advantages. Examine the territory and composition of the British Isles
- Oxymoron,antonomasia, hyperbole, periphrasis, cliché, epigram, quotation, allusion
- Point out metaphor, metonymy and irony in the following examples and state their function
- Polotsk centre of Christianity polotsk duchy skorina polotsk st sofia cathedral
- Read the review. Then, tick the features from the list which have been mentioned in the review
- Specify the type of connection in the following sentences. Define the type of syntactical stylistic devices based on particular use of colloquial constructions
- Synonyms and Antonyms. Achieve - complete, finish, accomplish
- Syntactical stylist1cs. Patterns of syntactical arrangement Inversion. Peculiar linkage
- The American English. The best American Invention. Some peculiarities of the American pronunciation
- The Genre of Comedy Ready Reference. Comedy From classical Greek times
- The gerund is a non-finite form of the verb with some noun features, It is formed by adding the suffix –ing to the verb
- The Notion Of Functional Style (FS ). The Classification of FSs
- The ok accountant. Успешный бухгалтер. Management Accounting. Auditing
- The procedure of passing a Bill in the Congress. The System of Checks and Balances
- The proverb runs: Every coin has two sides. Apparently, every phenomenon has both merits and flaws
- The religious scene in the USA. Protestant denominations. Mormonism. Christian Science. Seventh-day Adventism
- The role of cinema. Every human being more or less but adores some kind of art
- Theatres of Minsk. The Yanka Kupala Belarusian State Academic Theatre
- There are many legends relating to the foundation of Minsk and the origin of its name
- They entered a rail-car where there was no place. The rail-car that they entered there was no place
- Topical vocabulary. Kinds of theatres. Theatre staff
- Travelling. For centuries travelling has been considered the main means of broadening one’s mind
- Tube, buses, open tour buses, double deckers. Designated lanes for buses
- Types of marriages (Marriage is defining a closest person to yourself)
- Use of articles with common nouns class nouns. Class nouns are used with the indefinite article
- Watching brief. What do you do when you watch a film
- We will make a circle. Dancing merrily. What a happy sound! Let us sing together. As we dance around
- Welcome to London. The capital of Scotland. The capital of Great Britain. The capital of the USA
- Why we should not use drugs. Using any narcotics implies physical and mental addiction
- Without any doubt health is the most important thing in our life
- Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения. Совершенствование фонетических навыков
Контрольные работы
Методические указания и пособия
Программы для учёбы
Тестовые вопросы и задания
Учебные пособия
- A Comparison of the Australian and United States Federal Legislatures
- A successful spending plan helps you control your spending. This way, your spending doesn’t control you! It guides you so you get the most for your money
- Are you sure of your insurance. Objective objectives. Making a power point presentation
- As the time marched, a handful of genres and movements appeared. But what has always been the same was the delight people took in art
- Ask students to read the article on the following page and answer the following questions
- Ask the class to look at the book cover on the opposite page and begin with a discussion about spending plans
- At the beauty salon. General a walk-in salon. The secret desire of every woman
- Basics of law. Основы права. The law and consumers. Employment law. The law in business
- Before watching the video look through the words in the chart and fill them in the gaps of the following sentences
- Belarusian cinematography: now and tnen. Belarus has been producing films for nearly 80 years
- Beyond and doubt our life has significantly changed in previous decades
- British and American Constitutional Democracy. Constitutional Monarchy. The Role and Authority of the British Monarch
- British Empire. The First Empire. The Second Empire. From Empire to Commonwealth
- Ccording to some estimates, less than 5 percent of the population has clearly defined goals
- Colonization anf fighting for independence. History of Colonization
- Conditional and Unreal Actions. Conditional Sentences. Say whether the sentences express real or unreal actions
- Conference tips. Defining and limiting the topic. Step by step you are approaching the final stage of your preparation work
- Democracy. Direct Democracy. Democracy is a word frequently used in British Politics
- Die besten Tips fürs erfolgreiche Telefonieren. Was Sie beim Gespräch unbedingt vermeiden sollen
- Discussing international business topics. Обсуждаем темы международного бизнеса
- Division administrative, régions. L’identité: symboles et images. Les fêtes et les rituels
- Economic and Political Developments in Great Britain and the USA in the 18-th and 19-th Centuries
- Ein deutscher psychologischer Persönlichkeits-Test für die Feststellung der unternehmerischen Neigungen bei den Wirtschaftsstudenten
- Einzelteile eines Computersystems und ihre Funktionen. Das Innenleben eines Computers, Arbeit am Computer
- Escuche el texto de la película prestando atención en las palabras y expresiones nuevas de la lección
- Geography, climate and natural resources of great britain, the usa and australia, indigenous population
- Growing a business. Развитие бизнеса. The Great Game of Business. Money
- Grundlagen des deutschen wirtschaftsrechts. Основы немецкого экономического права
- Guess what is meant here. Определение слова на основе знания фактов
- Identify Your Goals—Both Short Term and Long Term. Record Your Income
- Investing in Life Insurance. Before watching the video look through the following words and expressions
- It’s not a secret that it takes a lot of effort to shoot a lovely film
- La prehistoria. Texto complementario: La cueva de Altamira. Fenicios, griegos, cartagineses
- Le français des affaires. Communication téléphonique dans le tourisme
- Learning About Money SP series. The difference between needs and wants
- Living Under the Stars and Stripes and the Southern Cross. The Foreign Policy Views of the Australians
- L’entreprise: notion, typologie, formes. Organigramme du secteur des sociétés
- L’identité: symboles et images. Caractère fondamental; traits fondamentaux d’un peuple
- Management top/middle management authority responsibility functions management principles of management delegation executive efficiency effectiveness
- Management, dans le monde des affaires, expression utilisée pour décrire les techniques et les compétences visant à optimiserl'organisation
- Objective objectives. Project work. Ten things to remember
- On the Banks of Banking. Objective objectives. Project work
- On the whole, teaching makes great demands on a person who takes up this profession
- Our republic has established a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of our people
- Participle I is a non-finite form of the verb with some adjectival and adverbial features. It is formed by adding the suffix -ing to the stem of the verb
- Passive Voice. Choose the correct form. Modal Verbs. Choose the correct form
- People and Their Families. House and Flat. Shops and Shopping
- Political systems of Great Britain, australia and the USA
- Problems. The young age is often considered the best age of a man’s life
- Psychology as a science. Психология как наука. The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best
- Put words in the correct order. Complete the sentences using Complex Object
- Qu’est-ce que le marketing? Que comporte cette discipline? Comment et où est né le marketing?
- Read the text and fulfill the tasks that follow it. Tudor England
- Read the text. Then read the titles. Which of the following titles is the best?
- Rechtsformen von unternehmen. Problemfeld: Rechtsformen von Unternehmen
- School of finance and banking to achieve top ranking. Belarusian State Economics University- the Best Step to Economic Education
- School of finance and banking. In every joke there is a grain of truth
- Seven great companies: a way to success. Семь великих компаний: путь к успеху
- Some social maladies have become very dangerous nowadays
- Système bancaire. Банковская система. Le crédit relais. Le crédit à moyen ou long terme
- The name ‘Renaissance’ is given to the revival of learning
- The national health service. One of the prides of the British welfare system is the National Health Service
- The Olympic Games. There is one major commonality between the ancient and modern Games, the victorious athletes are honored, feted, and praised
- The problem of employment is important in a special way: it’s both a cornerstone for an individual and the economy on the whole
- The Romans. Roman life. The Romans could not conquer "Caledonia"
- The Stuarts. The English Civil War (1642-1646) polarized society largely along class lines
- The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove
- To tell the truth not many of us are interested in science
- Übersetzen und merken Sie sich folgende Stichwörter und Wendungen zum Text
- We now live at the age of information. Education in Blr is compulsory for every child
- What is law? Sources of modern law. Civil and public law
- Wirtschaftslexikon zum Thema. Arbeit an Lexik und Grammatik
- Английский язык для начинающих. English for the Beginners. Oral Speech practice
- Вводно-коррективный курс по фонетике английского языка
- Деловой иностранный язык (2-ой) (испанский язык) для студентов ВШТ заочной формы обучения
- Деловой французский язык: поиск работы. Профессиональные качества хорошего специалиста
- Деловой французский. Бизнес-коммуникации на предприятии. Собеседование
- Информационные технологии на уроке английского языка. Компьютерные обучающие средства
- Китайский язык. Введение в экономику. Торгово-экономическое сотрудничество Китая и Беларуси
- Образование гласных и согласных звуков в немецком языке. Гласные заднего и переднего ряда
- Обучение лексической стороне устной речи и чтения на уроке иностранного языка
- Обучение устноречевому общению в сотрудничестве на английском языке
- Перевод конструкций пассива в немецких экономических текстах. Употребление пассива
- Пособие по устной практике испанского языка для студентов ЗФО
- Сentral post office and local post officers not only deliver letters, tellegramms parcels newspapers and magazines but also pay out pensions and subscribe to periodicals
- Система проблемных заданий в обучении чтению на уроках иностранного языка
- Социологические проблемы. Sociological issues. Human Cultures
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