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A Film review (Se7en)
It’s not a secret that it takes a lot of effort to shoot a lovely film. Apparently, there are many gifted people in this sphere, but the real masterpieces in terms of cinema are pretty few. It especially applies to thrillers. I think it’s difficult to create a film that keeps one in constant tension from the beginning to the end. The audience should be frightened, but the film is supposed to be absorbing enough to make sure the audience can’t help watching it.
As for me, this uneasy task is embodied in every film of famous American director David Fincher. All of his works, except the debut one, have won a universal acclaim among the public. David tried himself in the direction of feature films in 1992, when Alien 3 was released. It wasn’t a flop, moreover it covered the expenses, bringing a 95 million income to its producer, but still the film wasn’t as successful as all the next ones he directed. His films Se7en, The Game, Fight Club, Zodiac, The Social Network, The girl with the dragon tattoo, all are worth watching, but I will attract your attention to the film named se7en.
It is a thriller, the action of which dwells on the story of two detectives who meet in the dirtiest and the gloomiest district of an unknown city in America, where murders are a daily routine and it is extremely difficult to escape from it. One of them is gonna retire in one week, but a strange murder he investigates is a bad sign. The second one is a freshman in this police station and has just started to work. From the very first scene we see the contrast between the detectives. The old one, William Somerset, is a calm and intelligent cop who got used working alone and David Mills, an ambitious young guy who possesses the great energy and desire to oppose to the evil.
Just by the time they have met each other, a serial killer begins to murder people that are the expression of one of the seven deadly sins. The murders are cruel, the killer is too smart for the police to be caught. During the week, his victims continue to be found. After killing five out of 7, this evil person surrenders to the police. Then he confesses in killing other two persons and when the action seems to be ended, the real climax takes place. In fact it is very unpredictable thus impressing a viewer a lot. The scriptwriters definitely did their job properly.
This thriller directed by David Fincher is good for many things. The picture itself gets the viewer ready from the first sight. There is no a single bright colour in the film. Every day there’s a downpour. Minor things showing unhappiness and hopeless of human life suggest that there will be no good ending in the film. Still it’s not enough for the viewer to presume what ending there will be. But the way the atmosphere is introduced in the film is just amazing. Besides the plot itself, while watching it the 2nd time I was impressed by the symbols we come across in the film.
Besides the excellent direction, and a great script, the acting is worth especial mentioning. Two great actors, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, were amazing conveying their characters in a very talented way. Kevin Spacey acts his part of a maniac very truthworthy, thus impressing the patron even more. Three protagonists are conveyed as very charismatic persons; moreover their convincing acting turns the film from good to the best .
Se7en is the example of the highest-quality film. It was positively perceived both by the critics and ordinary people. More than 400k people voting at the authoritative web site imdb.com estimated the film at 8.7 out of 10 which is a really impressing result. Brilliant acting, script and direction make the film an incredible masterpiece of cinema. All in all, it’s the best thriller I’ve ever seen.
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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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