Some social maladies have become very dangerous nowadays

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Some social maladies have become very dangerous nowadays. Alcohol is the most significant problem of our society, which constitute a menace to its existence. I don’t exaggerate because a nation that consumes more than 9 liters per person a year is considered to be a dying out one.  The statistic show that the level of alcohol consuming per person has increased from 9.3 liters in 2005 up to 12.3 in 2010.

This situation really threatens our progenies, because research has shown that the alcohol the future parents drink leads to a great number of diseases their child will have.

Still, there have been created no banning-alcohol campaigns or something like that. The government’s inaction towards the problem is amazing. Alcohol production is a huge source of state’s expenditures. Once in the late 80’s the government tried to prohibit drinking alcohol which evidently lead to decrease the folk’s mortality rate, but the budget’s revenue became dramatically low, which made the government allow stiff drink’s producing and purchasing some years later.  Anyhow, because of the bad economic situation we have nowadays, the state just can’t afford to forbid alcohol or prevent the people from drinking.

Unfortunately, the bad economic situation has a huge impact practically on each side of our life. Drinking habit is not an exception.  Loss of job, the money becoming cheaper, the prices growing higher would always lead to human’s depression. Many fellows see the only way out of the situation in drinking and forgetting about it. Alcohol helps people to get rid of tension as well as bad thoughts about their and their family’s future.  Sure it doesn’t help to solve the problem, vice versa, it only makes everything worse.

The main problem of such a way that alcohol is a poison, moreover it can be called a drug. Alcohol addiction is developed quite rapidly. At first you feel some kind of relaxation, relief, illusion of problems to be decided. The next morning’s hangover doesn’t tend to change the things. A person thinks of getting drunk again, and then becomes a real drunk abuser.

For some reason alcohol has been a problem for our nation for many years. The main sad thing now is that alcoholism is a very wide-spread malady in our country at present.

Basically alcohol abusers produce much more troubles for the state than normal people. The latter are said to live 22 years more, thus they can work more, give more prosperity. That’s why struggling against this poison should become a considerable point in government’s politics, but for some reason it doesn’t.

Well, red wine is said to be quite beneficial in case it is consumed in moderate amounts. And I don’t see anything bad in taking a glass of wine at dinner, but when alcohol drinks become an obsession my own opinion to this problem is completely negative.

Evidently the problem has to be solved; otherwise the consequences are going to be quite sad. I see the root of it in the availabity of the drinks for anyone. They can be easily bought 24\7. Besides, there’s a wide choice of any drinks you wish: from celebrity beverages to wines made of fruits and berries. The latters are very cheap, which makes them rather affordable, but their quality leaves much to be desired.  As well as vodka, they should be banned because of being reason of alcoholism in our country.

A sensible drinking habit is an essential feature of every civil person, still it’s up to everybody what to value more: either the euphoria alcohol gives or its destructive and often terrifying consequences.

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