Сentral post office and local post officers not only deliver letters, tellegramms parcels newspapers and magazines but also pay out pensions and subscribe to periodicals

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Содержание работы

1. Сentral post office and local post officers not only deliver letters, tellegramms parcels newspapers and magazines but also pay out pensions and subscribe to periodicals.

2. meandering streams ran down to the sea following the curves of the landscape

3. drivers tend to stop if you want to cross a road at a pedestrian crossing

4. Having seen the surgical instruments, the patient fainted       

5. Seats at the cinema aren’t booked, cinema perfomances are continuos.

6. Newsreels leave a long lasting memory

7. Congrat-s you have absolutely sound teeth    

8. The new productions in the drama theatre is a success with the public

9. my watch gained time, that’s why I took them to the watchmaker’s   

10. Cameras ready? Shoot

11. At dry-cleaner’s stains are removed now without leaving any traces

12.  The lake districs has always enchanted poets and writers and served as a sorce of inspiration

13. the entrance to the cinema is by tickets only

14. her acting moved the audience to tears

15. at the photomasterskaja you can have your snapsots developed and printed

16. I went to the backstage to congratulate her on the success

17. the actor who plays a minor role in a film is called an extra

18. this adventure film was shot on location

19. one isn’t allowed to overtake here or exceed the speed limit.

20. a lot of famous people were commemorated in the names of Minsk’s streets            

21. he suffers from (a) constatnt dizziness and amnesia.

22. I want to have my shoes repaired as the heels have worn down

23. the majority of people prefers to buy off the peg clothes rather than made them to order.

24 foreign films are show with subtitules or dubbed

25. the films released in Hollywood are different i?n their jenre and artistic value.

26. Passengers have to punch the tickets. Otherwise they’ll have to pay th?e fine.

27. Hollywood was fairly reproached that it creates too many daydreams which have nothing in common with the reality.

28. a lot of second rate films are released now which are neither instructive nor entertaining

29. the worst is over, the patient is on the mend.

30. I don’t take greek gifts said jane and threw the flowers into the dustbin

32 this archeological find is of great historic interest as it dates back to the 12th century BC

33 as a rule true to loife films describing the life of common people, their feeling & problems make great impression on me

34. hold on, I’ll put you thru       

35 on the way home his car stalled . the engine didn’t(wouldnt) start, that’s why he had to call a mechanic

1 the name of the country dates back to the 12th cent.

2. an independent country at present, for many cc Belarus was a part of more powerful neiboring countries.

3. as an indep. State Belarus arose at the end of 1991 when 3 neighbouring countries mad a decision on\about the soviet union         dismissal

4. according to the latest census about 9.5 mln people live in blr 3\4 of which are belarusians.                In the rural area decrease of population is observed

5. the majority of belarusians follow orthodox or catholic religion

6. elevations marshes swamps and   are typical for blr landscape.

7. a great number of ribbon rivers, crystal clear lakes dotted with islands, fragrant meadows are a magnet to tourists and guests who become more and more numerous

8. on your way you’ll meet bell towers ruins of castles ancient mansions thru which you can follow the history of the country and many of which are under reconstr.

9. to feel the real beauty of the district you should go to the braslav lakes captivating with their perfection

10 situated at the crossroads bel has always been a buffer which contributed to widening of the intercult, connections

11. for the ex ussr coutries blr was the gate to Europe

12. blr by right boasts its virgin beauty

13. many countries acclaim the superiority

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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.

Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.

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