Specify the type of connection in the following sentences. Define the type of syntactical stylistic devices based on particular use of colloquial constructions

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Фрагмент текста работы

avalanche of feelings, as she stood in the living room with her father.

Exercise 2. Define the type of syntactical stylistic devices based on particular use of colloquial constructions.

1. And in the corner of his eye - an anxious blue blur was all that she amounted to - this woman he was deliberately ignoring. Trouble he was thinking as he laboured. Avoid.

2. But he was planning to take at least a week off, too, to help Diana and get to know their daughter... their daughter... their baby...

3. Why, why, he kept asking himself, why should Hudhes talk like this? Supposing the man had gone out of his mind, what was the cause of it all?

4. "You don't know were she gone?" - "London, I'm sure. Shops and theatres."

5. On the hall table were a couple of letters addressed to her. One was the bill. The other ...

6. She was brought home on holidays and "grilled" as she had described it to Brad, about what she had leaded, how was her French, and would she please explain the reason for her most recent math grade.

7. "At your age, you should strive for the bench, like your father and Brad. You don't need to be handling cases for all of California's liberal riffraff. THANK YOU, MOTHER." The call was typical of most of their exchanges.

8. No breakfast had she many a morning. No dinner many a noon.

9. He stood at the window. The wind was in the north; it was cold, clear, very blue sky, heavy ragged white clouds chasing across; the river blue, too, through the screen of goldening trees; the woods all rich with colour, glowing, burnished - an early autumn.

10. All at once, electrically, a terminal vibrated in his brain.. Why didn't the swelling put on pressure? Because - now it was his heart that jumped! -because it was not true oedema, but myx-oedema. He had it, by God, he had it. No, no, he must not rush. He must go cautiously, slowly, be sure.

11. "I just work here," he said softly. "If I didn't -" he let the rest hang in the air, and kept on, smiling.

12. She had always thought that Diana was the prettiest of the three sisters. The best looking and the most capable... probably the smartest.

13. It (the hut) was all tidy, the corn put in the bin, the blankets folded on the shelf. The hurricane lamp on a nail.

14. - I'm going away for a while next month.

- You are! Where to?

- Venice.

- Venice! With Sir Clifford? For how long?

- For a month or so.

15. "Instead of asking themselves what is causing the headache or anaemia -He broke off sharply. "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm boring you."

16. He stood still, counting the sounds - a carriage passing on the high road, a distant train, the dog at Jage's farm, the whispering trees, the groom playing on his penny whistle. A multitude of stars up there - bright and silent, so far off! No moon as yet. Just enough light to show him the dark flags and swords of the iris flowers along the terrace edge - his favourite flower that had the nights own colour on its curving crumpled petals. He turned round to the house. Big, unlighted, not a soul beside himself to live in all that part of it. Stark loneliness!

17. King's Cross Road was preparing to go to sleep for the night. No lorries. Not a taxi. A tram car, two tramcars crammed with passengers. A few footfarers, mostly couples.

18. And Mrs. Bolton would come to Wragby at once, if Dr. Shardlow would let her off. She had another fortnight's parish nursing to do, by rights, but they might get a substitute, you know.

19. Oh, the more angel she, and you the blacker devil.

20. She had given up all her dreams. And what was there to look forward to now? Nothing. All she ever wanted were children...but she had also wanted Andy.

Exercise 3. Discuss the types and functions of stylistic devices based on the transference of structural meaning.

1. It would have been more difficult if they had a child, not impossible, but harder to arrange.

2. How are they going to believe in abstinence if those who preach don't have there facts straight?

3. He drew his sword and stood face to face with Aragorn, surveying him keenly, and not without wonder.

4. She looked not at all unlike a girl appropriate to a big college weekend.

5. Couldn't she see that it was not the paltry sum which was at stake but the whole principle of justice?

6. But how was I to know then? What did I know of morphine? It was years before 1 discovered what was wrong. I thought she'd never got over her sickness, that's all. Why didn't I send her to a cure, you say? Haven't I? I've spent

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