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1. Intro
As for me it’s quite natural to like one’s place of living not depending on its beauty or the comfort of living. Somewhere deep in our minds we leave good memories of the place we used to live for a long time. Many of us feel homesick if we’re away from home for some significant time. Surely the natural feeling of affection to one’s dwelling place can be considered also in its wide meaning: as a home town.
2. Nowadays situation
At the moment Minsk is the capital of Belarus. Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Minsk is an unavoidable stopover on the route connecting Europe and Moscow. Furthermore, it is a must on anybody’s itinerary for many reasons.
Many visitors appreciate Minsk for its cleanliness, a great amount of place where a person can indulge in rest. The life here isn’t so hectic, which gives the city an advantageous position in comparison with other relatively big capitals.
Minsk provides plenty of opportunities for sheer entertainment. And every of its more than 1.8kk citizens has a great of deal of possibilities to revel in many ways. But the most wide-spread way of filling up one’s days being in Minsk for the 1st time is to go sightseeing. I regard a stroll as the major choice among the ways of seeing Minsk as it’s many landmarks are situated in the centre of the city. Besides, it makes possible appreciating the cleanliness and greenness of Minsk. The city’s architectural continuity can be conceived through a walk. Minsk as well as its dwellers leaves a great positive impression on its visitors. The people are often described as friendly and helpful. As for me, plunging into the atmosphere of a place you visit is very important, which is another advantage of a stroll. Thus it makes sense to stroll thru the city in order to create a proper impression outta the city.
Undoubtedly, Minsk is a city on the move therefore its well-maintained lanes are a success with those who look for a nook of serenity in the busy town. One can have a respite from the tensed life in parks which abound in Minsk. You can just sit back here concealing from a scorching day.
3. History
First mentioned in 1067 in connection with the battle on the Nemiga. The precise origin of its name is unknown. One version has it that the settlement on the banks of Menka River to the southwest of today's Minsk. Remnants of a 10th century settlement on the banks of the Menka were found by archeologists in the 1930s. Another persuades that the city name comes from Slavonic word "мена" ("miena" – "barter" or "trade" in English"), as Minsk initially served as a trading settlement around a marketplace. However, it is less likely, as Slavs rarely used names for trade or craft for their towns. Most towns and cities have been named after rivers or governing princes. Still, we’re unlikely to ever find out the truth.
At first Minsk was the place of cruel feudal battles. Later on its significance increased, so it was a very tempting place for foreign invaders, who occupied minsk as it maintained a very advantageous position that allowed to trade and get profits.
Especially difficult times Minsk had to endure during the Great Patriotic War. As the town was freed from Nazi, its population reduced almost 6 times – down to 50 000 dwellers, and the city was completely destroyed. Many historical building were lost forever. But due to the enormous enthusiasm of the soviet people it was soon recovered and since then developed rapidly. In 1972 its population reached 1 kk people, and the underground was set to building. Still it makes travelling through the city comfortable and fast.
4. My opinion
To my point of view, there are dozens of virtues of living in Minsk and I share the opinions of those who regard this city as magnificent. It’s definitely worth visiting. A lot of places here are adorable, Minsk in general is fascinating. So I’m happy to live in Minsk.
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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