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This is music to my ears – they say to express how enjoyable smth is. Such a proverb wouldn’t have arisen if people didn’t enjoy music. Luckily, due to the vast amount of artists and music genres everyone can find some delightful music to their taste.
Apparently it can rule our mood: either to feel energetic or melancholic. Anyhow, music stirs emotions of different kind in everyone. This fact itself testifies to how incredible music is. It’s very depressing to imagine the life of a deaf man. I’m concerned that sounds represent a beautiful part of our world. So indulging in listening to music is one the most delightful occupations for me.
So it’s amazing to find some music that caters to your taste, especially for such an exacting person as myself. However, the only band or singer who has left me untouched after listening to a number of the songs is the British alternative band placebo. After the first hearing this group seems to lack anything special. So I still can’t really realize why adore the music by placebo.
Their success was to a certain degree both a breakthrough in music industry and shock for the public. You can be taken aback by the hydrogen appearance of their frontmant, dislike the guitarist being gay, charge them with using drugs not even trying to deny that, but when the music makes you crawl, it doesn’t matter. Emotional singing by Brian Molko, the frontman of the band could scarcely leave anyone untouched. His recognizable high-pitched voice was is something really special. Whoever listens to placebo either likes such style of singing or not. It evokes emotions in everyone. Apart from that I’ve never enjoyed rock music really a lot. That’s why my passion for placebo seems so weird now.
Tastes differ and I’d say if my favourite band plays rock music you can presume that rock is the most appealing genre of music to me. But that’s not true. I have no grounds to explain why people like that or another kind of music. So advertising virtues of one or another style of music is absolutely of no use.
So I’m sure one can enjoy different music depending on various circumstances. Whatever they are I delight in drum and bass music. As it follows from the title dnb consists of repeating melodies comprising percussion and bass sounds. This kind of music may be reckoned rather young as it derived from electronic music in the late 80s in GB. At that time the rave culture – the culture of dancing at discos in the open air – flourished. Several music dj carried out some experiments mixing traditional at that time breakbeat with percussion sounds. The new sound they were looking for was found. Their discovery became a success among people quite soon, so that was the first step of an a brand new music genre. Now dnb is not limited by some range of musical instruments that create the melody. Actually, it can encompass various music concepts. The experiments of fusion traditional dnb with other music flaws can result in very joyous melodies which I appreciate.
What I like about dnb most is it’s rhythm, and, unsurprisingly, the melody itself. It’s often vigorous. However I seldom encounter worthy dnb tracks. Basically, it may be seen like everyone can compose electronic music, because the computer, being the means of electronic music composing, is very accessible at the moment. Such availability can explain the great amount of dull music. However this fact makes the rare adorable tracks even more precious.
Having a favorite music artist is a sort of happiness. Finding so pleasant music is essential as It appeals to the people's hearts and minds, to their feelings and ideals. Good music arouses a warm response in the souls of listeners.
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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