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13. Types of marriages (Marriage is defining a closest person to yourself)
If you met a creature from Mars, how would you explain to it what marriage is? Is it just the life of a couple after getting the stamps in their passports? Is it more than sharing household chores and caring for each other? I would say, marriage is about searching and choosing a closest person for oneself.
Dating as a prelude to marriage (As a rule people start dating due to love. There’s a lot of fun falling into it. But the further the relationship goes, the more often marriage-thoughts appear. No need to mention that marriage is a very important decision. On the whole, I think, it’s about defining if you want to spend the rest of your life with this very person. There’s always some doubt. It’s often foreshadowed with the hormonal haze in which a couple heads for the altar. For sure, passionate attachment and anticipated happiness outweigh such considerations as cultural similarities and common social experience. But is there a way to make sure you aren’t making a mistake? It’s difficult question. And if there were a definite answer to this question, a lot of marriages wouldn’t have fallen to pieces. I have nothing better to say, except for one should be attentive to his\her premonitions. But it all concerns love-matches. However, it’s not the only reason for getting married.)
Reasons for getting married (types of marriages) (So the motives for getting married – either for money or love –prevails on a person’s values and circumstances. Marrying for love a person might find\ finds a support for the rest of the life. Money’s support is always limited by its amount. A marriage for convenience is unlikely to turn into a happy union after a while. The divorce rate, which is about 54%, bears witness to this fact. However I’m not about to judge those who go into it.
Elaborate your recipe for a marriage bliss (It’s easier said than done. But the fact that marriage is a fragile phenomenon goes without saying. There is always plenty of room for hard everyday job. Those who don’t work at their marriage are doomed to drift apart. So withstanding the winds and the rains starts with taking off some burden of the spouse’s shoulders. It may sound trivial but even such a trifle becoming unavoidable can grow into a primary problem. If it to make it more general, such an approach also entails the ability to put in more than get back. From some point of you it looks unfair, but that’s a marriage bliss price. Patience is another feature no couple can’t do without. It’s considered one of the signs of personal maturity, though not everyone possesses such a quality. I think patience is connected to the ability of pinpointing the merits and neglecting the flaws. Besides, it’s highly prudent to be patient after a squabble. This quality helps to avoid some rash words or insults. It’s helpful when there’s time to apologize. )
But in general all this is nothing but words. Those tips are not easy to follow. For sure these pieces of advice deal with the real matrimonial life, but I wonder if they are enough. But the most important thing is following such rule of family life. I think those who manage to do so run all the chances to live the whole life happily and together.
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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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