Лексический минимум по аспекту "Международный бизнес". Japanese approach to business

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Содержание работы

УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет»

Факультет международных бизнес-коммуникаций

Кафедра делового английского языка


Минск 2009


Text 1.

knit together = link, join, unite, integrate, coalesce

sweep away = destroy, wipe out, uproot, eradicate

focus on… = concentrate, fix, attract attention

single currency area

single market

impediment = difficulty, hindrance, obstacle, obstruction

under the auspices = guidance, protection, patronage

Text 2.

threat = ganger, risk, menace, peril, hazard

effective public regulation

loose = free, movable, released, unbound

binding / enforceable protection for rights

guarantee core labour rights

primacy of human rights over trade rules

sustained long-term growth

Text 3.

enhance = improve, increase, heighten

enable = authorize, empower, permit

highlight = attach importance

underpinning = basis, foundation

gains = benefits, profit, earnings, acquisition

reap = yield, acquire, obtain, harvest

to be (make) better off

fragment = divide, separate

abundance of labour

economies of scale

confine (to) = bind, limit, restrain

key rationale

viable  activities

offset = compensate, repay, reward

administer = manage, control, govern, supervise

overcome = beat, conquer, defeat, overthrow

Text 4.

cross-border facilities

the process gathers steam

yield economic benefits

end = aim, purpose, objective

formidable = considerable, tremendous, enormous

vulnerability = weakness, accessibility, defenselessness

fallacious = deceptive, erroneous, false

decline = decay, decrease, diminish, weaken

volatility = fluctuation, changeability, unsteadiness, inconsistency

discourage = dispirit, dishearten, daunt

stimulate = encourage, inspire, rouse, urge

buyback of stocks

slacken = diminish, lessen, reduce

to skim off

gap  in incomes

rampant = dominant, uncontrollable, unrestrained, violent

to seek asylum = refuge, shelter, retreat, safety

option = alternative, choice, variant, version

debacle = breakdown, crisis, collapse

discrepancy = difference, disagreement, dissonance

DEFINE: global village, oligopoly, managerial diseconomy


Text 1.

manager (top, middle, front-line, line)

rigid = severe, strict, unbending, stiff

rigid schedule

indigenous = native, home-grown, original, local

to generate feedback

monitor = examine, inspect, scrutinize

Text 2.

incremental = increasing, growing, enlarging

incentive = encouragement, motive, stimulus, incitement

fall off the good list

hubris = arrogance , conceit, haughtiness

to rest on one’s laurels

debilitate = weaken, reduce, decrease, lower

scrutinize = inspect, examine, study, check

dishearten = dispirit, discourage, depress, sadden

to be immune from…

temper = soften, calm, soothe, restrain

Text 3.

to stem from…

lifetime employment = job-for-life custom

sense of personal dignity

deferential = respectful, attentive, compliant

animosity = enmity, hatred, malevolence, malice


redeem = regain, save, recompense

~ oneself

~ one’s good name

~ an error

sense of collective identity

to result in …

Text 4.

cohesive culture

cohesion = union, unity, coalition, agreement

egalitarian values

insularity = isolation, separation, detachment

team-oriented companies

intimidate = frighten, threaten, terrify, daunt

flaw = fault, imperfection, defect


coalesce = blend, cohere, mix

intramural = inside, interior, inner, internal

squabble = quarrel, fight, row, dispute

to suffer a setback

to be a loner

ostracize = boycott, exclude, expel, reject

Text 5.

personnel department

lowly backwater

to make hire/fire decisions

to vest with (power, rights)

workplace hierarchy

owe smth. to smb. = owe smb. smth.

performance evaluation 

evaluation = estimation, assessment, judgement

after-work activities

detect = disclose, discover, expose, reveal

to place onus on…

to be for naught

pledge = engage, guarantee, commit to…

mutual commitment



to feel at home

mentor = tutor, instructor

nurture = educate, rear, instruct, train

Text 6.

perks = perquisites, benefits, allowances

status enriching benefits

loyalty to the company   

quit = resign, retire, withdraw, abandon

couple = connect, join, link, unite

doomed to (failure)

apt to… = inclined, disposed, liable

harsh = hard, severe, bitter, austere

thrive = flourish, succeed, prosper

Text 7.

long-term / sort-term planning


procrastination = delay, postponement, retardation

buying rush

looming problems

variance = disagreement, difference, discord –разногласия

to lose track of …

to be off target

DEFINE: polychronics, monochronics, “kaizen”

WEST versus EAST

Text 1.

cultural universals

to meet essential human needs

resistant to change

permeate = imbue , impregnate , penetrate , pervade , saturate

white lie

to feel out of place = inappropriate , misplaced

to be stunned = shocked, staggered, astounded, taken aback

Text 2


irate = enraged, infuriated, irritated, furious

to be adept at smth = skillful, proficient, expert

to seek practical solutions

a woeful waste of time

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