Лексический минимум по аспекту "Международный бизнес". Japanese approach to business, страница 2

reciprocity – reciprocal – to reciprocate

business discord = dispute, disagreement, friction, conflict

to seek personal credit

rules of conduct pertaining to status

to establish rapport

to let down one’s guard

deference to smb = respect, esteem, reverence, awe

gamut = scale , range , compass, breadth

to narrow the gap

to have an edge over smb

body language, belly language

Text 3.

realm = area, sphere, field

to inculcate: servility, frugality, abstinence, diligence

atonement for one’s mistakes

piety;  family piety

resistance to the incursion of Western values

pride oneself on smth

refrain from smth = decline , abstain , withdraw

tribal kinship

Text 4.


differences boil down to …

to sidestep pitfalls

inscrutable behaviour

to preserve / save / protect face

to lose face

vicissitudes of fate / life

conflicts behind the scenes

Text 5.

to be / feel at ease

impose obligations

stem from smth

form the backbone

return a favour

quid pro quo relations

owe allegiance to smb

invasion of privacy

infringement upon personal liberty


reticence = discretion, shyness, reserve, self-control

Text 6.

penchant for smth, smb

to the consternation of smb

compassion = sympathy, concern, care

mar = spoil, ruin, damage, hurt

to lash out at each other

to seek common ground

to lack subtlety

extroverted managers

introverted managers

to catch smb off guard

glib = nonchalant , offhand, superficial

privy to smth

to sever relations = break, cut, separate, split, disunite

Text 7.

high-context social environment

hidden cue

face reading

visceral feeling

to be a death-knell

silence is golden

flawed proposal

DEFINE: mores, folkways, cultural universals, belly language, quid pro quo, Pacific rim



social challenges

conduct the affairs

high levels of economic / ethical performance

to build a nest-egg

money laundering

cloak = hide, cover, conceal, mask, veil

illicit gains

lay off = discharge, dismiss, fire, give the sack



to recall/withdraw products

Text 1.


ethical excellence

lucrative = profitable, beneficial, rewarding

erroneous = mistaken, wrong, incorrect, flawed, faulty

tenet = principle, dogma, doctrine

moral morass

lifelong maturation

life-or-death issues

complementary = harmonizing, matching, corresponding

piety or deity

personal probity

Text 2.

controversial = questionable, disputable

impart = pass, inform, convey, instruct

socially desirable behaviour

diversity = variety, range, multiplicity

fair play

drug users and addicts

ethical responsibility

to encourage to act ethically

common-sense ethical principles

to protect business from abuse

invasion of privacy

to reap many rewards

Text 3.

personal gain

to put one’s welfare ahead of others

weed out = eliminate, wipe out, get rid of,  exterminate, obliterate

expense account padder (to pad)

screening system

illicit = illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, prohibited, unauthorized

to set  an ethical tone

greed = gluttony, voracity, insatiability, avarice, greediness

to be suspended from work

to trample on individual’s rights

to go public

to be suspended from work

to demote (demotion)

to assume responsibility


to reveal =  disclose, unveil, divulge

to set an ethical tone

allegiance = loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, devotion, commitment

peer behaviour

to beat out a competitor

reluctant = unwilling , averse , indisposed, disinclined