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Nationalities and stereotypes.
Despite we all are human beings and are reckoned by every civilized society equal for everything there are dozens of aspects that create some objective differences between us. Undoubtedly, every nation has its own unique culture and traditions. Some traditions are exaggerated taking hold in our minds and thus becoming stereotypes. As for me, such on opinion on that or another point cannot be emerge immediately, on the contrary, step by step, thru media and conversations the most truth worthy stereotypes become the truth, at least for those who believe in it.
Apparently, societies change over time and people do as well but the reputations lag behind. So when it concerns the British there’s a lot images conjuring up in one’s mind. They used to be pictured as reserved people always wearing a Bowler hat and reading the Times newspaper at lunch. They were believed to look down on the foreigners, I guess, this feature was an addition to the apparent coldness of British.
Preferences in food consuming have changed significantly: they are not about to change anything in the 5 o’clock tea ceremony, but only 10% percent of English eat traditional porridge or beckon and eggs for breakfast. Furthermore, tea is gradually replaced by coffee.
Yet, there’re some peculiar features of the British which evidently reflect some sides of their lives. Some things don’t change over the time and it especially emphasizes their conservativeness. Taking a proper care of traditions, they would never break a common order of things go on. The weather in GB hasn’t been changing for centuries and that means it’s still awful. The world-wide famous specific sense of humor is one of the most common stereotypes of the British. Alongside with being polite, tolerant, stoic and punctual this, I believe, is the real image of the UK citizen.
As far as Americans concerned at present they are the leading nation in many spheres of life, hence a lot of their habits have taken hold in not our, but the world’s life comparatively lately. Surely, in contemoporary life there are plenty of possibilities for culturies interfering one another, but for some reason particullary Americans influence the rest of the world more than any other country. So taking shower once a day or going for shopping once a week would be peculiar for Americans 50 years ago, but not now. The accessibility of travelling, internet that is basically shared by every nation, media are gradually wiping the boundaries between nationalities. Certainly, it’s rather wholesome from one point of view but bad habits take hold in our lives faster. And that’s a big issue, whether all the people will become similar one day. For instance, today the german government is worried about the amount of English words take hold in the German language. As for me, such kind of confluence is quite probable and it’s not evident at all what could prevent them from that. At least as for now the conventions in many countries differ, especially in eastern and Muslim countries.
It is useful to remember the proverb: when in Rome – do as the Romans do.
It’s quite difficult to summarize the features Americans possess as they’re inhomogeneous nation – there’s no common culture, traditions or language. Moreover, they put especial emphasizes on their own individuality, still it’s not enough to oppose to arising stereotypes in mass consciousness about this nation. Americans for most people are smiling optimists, however, you never know what’s hidden behind their smile.
And finally our nation is unfortunately often confused with Russians among the foreigners. Even though we are the two fraternal folks, there’s a certain set of charactristics peculiar only for us.
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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