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distinction ___ legislature and judiciary has weakened in many countries.
5. Courts are called ___ to determine issues of a similar kind.
6. The work of a theorist is divorced ___ reality.
7. One thing is distinctive ___ the English system.
8. A court which is inferior ___ authority to another court is obliged to follow a court of superior authority.
Ex. 6. Differentiate between the types of phrase with bind, binding and bound:
to be bound TO |
+ infinitive |
Lower courts are bound to follow House of Lords decisions |
to be bound BY |
+ noun |
Lower courts are bound by House of Lords decisions |
to be binding ON |
+ noun |
House of Lords decisions are binding on lower courts |
to bind |
+ noun |
House of Lords decisions bind lower courts |
Which two pairs of sentences have exactly the same meaning and emphasis?
Complete the following sentences correctly using one of the above phrases. Make necessary logical changes.
1. Divisional Courts ______ by Court of Appeal decisions on questions of law.
2. In general the Court of Appeal ______ follow its own decisions.
3. A Court of Appeal decision ______ on the Court of Appeal in a later case.
4. Court of Appeal decisions ____ the House of Lords.
Ex. 7. Match the words in the box with their definitions and learn them:
case, statute, to bind, precedent, enactment, guilt, equity, to enforce, beneficiary, authority, claim, code, legislature, judiciary |
1. The part of a country’s government which is responsible for its legal system and which consists of all the judges in the country’s courts of law.
2. An action, situation or decision which has already happened and which can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or taken.
3. A system of justice which allows a fair judgement of a case where the laws that already exist are not satisfactory.
4. A right to have or obtain something.
5. A set of rules which are accepted as general principles, or a set of written rules which state how people in a particular organization or country should behave.
6. The group of people who have the power to make and change laws.
7. A feeling of anxiety or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong, such as causing harm to another person.
8. A law which has been formally approved and written down.
9. A problem, a series of events or a person being dealt with by police, lawyers, doctors, etc., or a matter to be decided by a judge.
10. A person or group who receives money, advantages, etc. as a result of something else.
11. Judicial decision cited as a statement of the law; an official organization or government department with the power to act and make decisions; the right or power to act, command, judge, etc.
12. A written law made by a legislative body.
13. To cause people to obey (a law).
14. To place a person under legal obligation to act in accordance with previous judicial decision (with the code).
To show that you understand the above words choose the best word to complete the following sentences.
1. There has been a sharp increase in the number of ______ for industrial injury compensation.
2. From next September, clinics will be subject to a new ______ of conduct and stronger controls by local authorities.
3. Ultimately, their aim is for a society based on ______ and social justice.
4. South Carolina’s ______ passed a law forbidding new houses to be built on its coast.
5. The salaries of most federal workers are set by ______.
6. She accused her employer of unlawful dismissal and won her ______.
7. The ______ are expected to publish their report next week.
8. There are several ______ for promoting people who do not have formal qualifications.
9. The main ______ of the new law will be those living on or below the poverty line.
10. She was tormented by feelings of ______ and shame over what
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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