Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
Всегда на связи. Соблюдаем сроки. Предложим адекватную конкурентную цену.
Заходите к нам на сайт и пишите, с удовольствием вам во всем поможем.
2.1. Complete the sentences. Put in a/an, or some
1) I really ought to do some housework.
2) The people who camped in the field have left .....rubbish.
3) I've been working on the business plan. I've made .....progress.
4) The visitors are here for two nights. They are booking for ..... accommodation.
5) That shop has .....nice sofa.
6) You'll have to pay extra for the taxi because you've got .....luggage.
7) The flat is quite empty. I need .....furniture.
8) I can't possibly fit this guitar into .....suitcase.
9) You need .....luck to win at this game.
2.2. Complete these sentences with a/an where necessary.
1) They have sold cargo of 6.000 tons of wheat.
2) He bought few books yesterday.
3) My friend, teacher of history, has been awarded a prize.
4) His sister has become doctor.
5) He opened the letter with excitement that he couldn't conceal.
6) We must charter second vessel.
7) I've bought pound of sugar.
8) Mrs Mirell has come while you were out.
9) What pity!
10) We're going to stay there for period of 5 days.
2.3. Insert a/ an if necessary
1) You'll get.....shock if you touch..... live wire with that screwdriver. Why don't you get.....screwdriver with.....insulated handle?
2) It costs fifty-five and.....half pence and I've only got.....fifty pence piece, You can pay by.....cheque here. But can I write..... cheque for..... fifty-five and..... half pence? 3) .....Mr. Smith is.....old customer and.....honest man. - Why do you say that? Has he been accused of.....dishonesty?
4) I'm not.....wage-earner; I'm.....self-employed man. I have.....business of my own. - Then you're not.....worker; you're.....capitalist!
5) When he was charged with.....murder he said he had.....alibi.
6) -.....friend of mine is expecting.....baby. If it's.....girl she's going to be called Etheldreda. - What.....name to give.....girl!
7) I have ..... hour and ..... half for lunch. - 1 only have ..... half..... hour - barely.....time for.....smoke and.....a cup of coffee.
8) I wouldn't climb.....mountain for $ 1,000! I have.....horror of.....heights.
9) ..... few people know (hardly anyone know) that there is.....secret passage from this house to.....old smugglers' cave in the cliffs.
10) I'm having.....few friends in to.....coffee tomorrow evening. Would you like to come? - I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to.....concert.
11) He broke.....leg in.....skiing accident. It's still in.....plaster.
12) I want.....assistant with.....knowledge of French and.....experience of..... office routine.
2.4. Fill in the gaps if necessary.
1) I see that your house is built of.....wood. Are you insured against.....fire?
2) The escaping prisoner camped in ..... wood but he didn't light ..... fire because.....smoke rising from the wood might attract.....attention.
3) I had .....amazing experience last night. I saw.....dinosaur eating.....meat pie in ..... London park - You mean you had ..... nightmare. Anyway, dinosaurs didn't eat.....meat.
4) I'll pay you.....hundred.....week. It's not.....enormous salary but after all you are.....completely unskilled man.
5) ..... little (hardly anything) is known about the effect of this drug; yet ..... chemist will sell it to you without.....prescription.
6) I have.....little money left; let's have dinner in.....restaurant.
7) Would it be.....trouble to you to buy me.....newspaper on your way home?
8) … man is … reasoning animal.
2.5. Translate from Russian into English.
1) У Анны завтра день рождения. Она собирается пригласить нескольких друзей. Ее брат собирается пойти в универмаг. Он должен купить ей подарок. Он хочет купить ей темно-синие перчатки.
2) Я попросил его купить бумагу и краски.
3) Детям необходимо молоко.
4) Добавь немного масла в суп.
5) Поставь соль на стол.
6) Я не пью молоко, я пью только сок.
7) Вчера я купил сахар и ягоды, буду варить варенье. Я очень люблю пить чай с вареньем.
8) В этом районе производят добычу угля и нефти.
9) В этом районе добывают нефть?
10)Генри начал работать в банке мелким служащим.
3.1. Insert a/an or the if necessary. Retell the story.
It has been announced that for (1).....third consecutive month there has been (2).....rise in (3).....number of unemployed, rather than (4).....fall that had been predicted. (5).....rise was blamed on (6).....continuing uncertainty over (7).....government economic policy, and couldn't come at (8).....worse time for (9).....Prime Minister, who is facing (10).....growing criticism over (11) ..... way (12) ..... present crisis being handled. (13) ..... VPs are increasingly voicing (14) .....fears and despite recent devaluation of (15) ..... pound and cuts in (16).....interest rates, (17).....government still expects (18) .....recovery of the economy to take three or even four years. To make (19)..... matters worse, (20) ..... number of small business going into (21) ,..... liquidation is still at (22) ..... record level, and (23) ..... housing market is showing no signs of recovery. Some people expect a general election before (24) .....end of (25)..... winter unless there is (26).....rapid change of (27) .....fortune.
3.2. Insert a/an, the if necessary. Retell the story.
Lovesick teenager snatched from cliff.
(1)..... lovesick teenager, threatening to jump seventy feet from (2) ..... cliffs at (3) ..... seaside resort, was saved by (4) ..... human chain of (5) ..... policemen today. (6).....eighteen-year old had driven from his home in (7)..... Lake District to Langhorn, near (8).....Bournemouth, to talk his girlfriend out of breaking off their three-month romance. He threatened to jump off (9)..... balcony at her house, but when she dialed (10)..... 999 he dashed to (11)..... edge of (12)..... cliffs below (13).....Metropol Hotel. (14)..... police found him sitting on (15).....edge. They chatted to him for twenty minutes in (16)..... darkness, then clung together and grabbed him. He was later released after (17) ..... treatment by (18) ..... hospital doctor. (19) ..... police spokesman said, "There was (20).....high wind, it was pitch dark at about 2 a.m., and (21)..... grass on (22).....cliff top was wet and slippery. It was (23).....brave rescue. It was (24).....case of 25).....unrequited love. The youngster was upset after his romance broke up, but he has now recovered his senses."
3.3. Correct errors in these sentences.
1) A new campaign against smoking is directed at the young women
Уважаемые коллеги! Предлагаем вам разработку программного обеспечения под ключ.
Опытные программисты сделают для вас мобильное приложение, нейронную сеть, систему искусственного интеллекта, SaaS-сервис, производственную систему, внедрят или разработают ERP/CRM, запустят стартап.
Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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