План-конспект урока
№ |
Этапы урока |
Задачи этапа |
Содержание этапа |
Режим работы |
Способы контроля |
Время (мин.) |
Примечания |
I |
Орг. момент |
Подготовить учащихся к активной работе на уроке |
Good afternoon, pupils! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you! How are you today? (- I’m fine, thank you! - I’m so-so. (-Why are you so-so?) I’m very well, thank you.) Who is absent? (…) OK. Thank you! |
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II |
Фонетическая зарядка |
Снять фонетические трудности |
Please, open your books at page 168 ex. 1. There you can see a small poem “What Are They Made Of?”. I’ll read the whole poem. Listen attentively. Now we will read it. I will read a line and you repeat after me. Read them one by one and translate. Very well! Who would like to read the whole poem. Pasha, please. Nice you are! |
устно устно устно |
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Речевая разминка |
Снять речевые трудности |
Now, please, open your books at page 166 ex. 12. Read the numbers and years. What is the difference in the reading of numerals and years? Nice you are! |
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IV |
Проверка домашнего задания |
Проверить подготовленность учеников к уроку |
What was your home task? (exercise 9 at p. 165). There you should write questions to the sentences. So, let’s check it up! (1. The park is situated in the centre of the city. (What, where) – What is situated in the centre of the city? Where is the park situated?). Nice you are! |
устно устно |
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V |
Повторение и активизация грамматического материала |
Активизировать и повторить грамматический материал |
Open your books at p. 165 ex. 10 (Put in the definite or indefinite article where necessary). (1. We are in … Scotland now.) What do you remember about articles? How we translate words “Definite” and “Indefinite”? Nice you are! Now let’s do ex. 11 (Put in prepositions). (1. When I went … England, I visited all important places … London.). Now I’ll give you cards and we will do one more exercise with prepositions (1. I’m interested … music). Let’s check it up! What do you remember about Passive Voice? Why we use it? How we form it? Right you are! Now I’ll give you cards with exercise. There you should open the brackets, using Present Simple Passive (1. Hockey (to play) in winter). Well done! How we form Passive Voice in questions? Please, open your books at p. 166 ex. 13 (Change the sentences from Active into Passive). (1. Do they sell shoes in this shop?). Nice you are! |
самост индив
устно письм письм устно письм устно |
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учебник учебник карточки карточки учебник |
VI |
Рефлексия |
Узнать с чем новым ребята ознакомились на уроке |
Do you like our lesson? Did you know something new for you? What did you like most of all at our lesson? |
индив. |
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Заключительный этап |
Подведение итогов, оценивание работы учащихся, выставление отметок. |
Now, please, write down your home task (р. 166 ex. 14 (Translate sentences into English), revise the Passive Voice, (разъяснение), (выставление отметок). Thank you for attention! The lesson is over. Good buy! |
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на доске |
Уважаемый посетитель!
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