Reproduce the situations in which the active vocabulary is employed

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Фрагмент текста работы

Recollect the sentences from the text in which these expressions were used or make up sentences of your own.

Make acquaintance … smb, … … the ordinary, … … office, admiration …, akin …, prevent smb …, be indifferent …, to deal …, say smth … the subject, passion …, distinguish smb/smth …, eke …, … regard …, have an eye …, ferret …, throw discredit … smb.

V.  Insert the necessary key words or expressions to complete the sentences below:
1.  The headteacher gave a … speech about 'the values of learning'.
2.  Let us come before him with thanksgiving and … him with music and song.
3.  The almond cake is particularly ….
4.  See if you can solve this ….
5.  The Lorrimores had arrived, each wearing yesterday's expression: pleasant, aloof, …, sulky.
6.  To the … all these plants look pretty similar.
7.  She had a great … for absorbing information.
8.  Within families filial … was the keystone of morality and it led logically to an absolute obedience to the household head.
9.  The public is willing to forgive him for his ….
10.  So a government scientist, whom out of modesty I … to name, had to expose the fraud.
11.  Abusing a child is a … act.
12.  The movie's special effects are absolutely ….
13.  The problem which immediately strikes one is that much of the material is …, fragmented, and lacking unity.
14.  People are still … because they are miserable.
VI.  Give the English equivalents of the following expressions and reproduce the situations in which they were used.

Предмет насмешек, необычный, удовлетворять эстетическое чувство, пробуждать интерес, невежество, талантливый писатель, исчерпывающе анализировать, привлечь внимание, подлинный гений, удовлетворять любопытство, дар, мало-помалу, пламенный поклонник, опозорить.

VII.  Translate these sentences into English by using the words and word combinations from the text.
1.  А сейчас вряд ли кто станет отрицать его величие. 
2.  Величие Чарлза Стрикленда было подлинным величием.  
3.  Прошли времена, когда оно было предметом  насмешки. 
4.  Нелепейшее заблуждение - почитать искусство за ремесло, до конца  понятное только ремесленнику.  
5.  Искусство  -  это  манифестация  чувств,  а  чувство говорит общепринятым  языком. 
6.  В человеке заложена способность к мифотворчеству.  
7.  Меня, например, очень огорчила  бы мысль, что Антония и Клеопатру не связывало  ничего,  кроме  экономических интересов.   
8.  Ни  одному мистику не удавалось лучше прозреть  скрытый  смысл  в  обыденном. 
9.  Это  было увлекательное занятие: следить, с каким  рвением  ученый  автор  выискивал малейшие подробности, могущие опозорить  его  героя. 
10.  Трудолюбие   его   достойно изумления. 
VIII.  Answer the following questions.

1.  Who do you think are going to be the main characters of the novel? What makes you think so?

2.  Is the story produced by the narrator the first one dedicated to Charles Strickland? What for does he mention other authors? What is the author’s attitude to those books?

3.  Do the books show their readers a real Strickland? Support your answer with the text.

4.  What do we get to know about Charles Strickland? Underline sentences and phrases that can be used for Strickland’s character sketch.  Is there anything that doesn’t let you respect that person? Comment on the phrase “Nothing was too small to escape him”.

5.  Speak on the author’s idea of art and artists. Do you support it?

IX. Comment on the following statements:

1.  Greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstances reduces it to very discreet proportions.

2.  His faults are accepted as the necessary complement to his merits.

3.  To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults.

4.  The layman can understand nothing of painting, and that he can best show his appreciation of their works by silence and a cheque-book.

5.  Art is a manifestation of emotion, and emotion speaks a language that all may understand.

6.  The faculty for myth is innate in the human race.

Chapter 2

I.  Work with a dictionary to learn the meaning of the following words. 

















Stomach (v)

II.  Reproduce the situations in which the active vocabulary is employed.

III.  Find pairs of synonyms among the following words (12 pairs

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