A Spending Planner
Learning About Money
Why do I need a spending plan?
A successful spending plan helps you control your spending. This way, your spending doesn’t control you! It guides you so you get the most for your money. By taking time to plan you will be able to:
• Buy what you need and want within your income
• Have a record of where your money goes
• Cut down on the worry over money, and
• Talk with your family about their needs for the future.
Planning upcoming expenses can avoid arguments over money later.
How to get started . . .
Spending Planner is a worksheet. It has four pages and starts on
the next page. It can be prepared like a booklet—copy pages one and two back
to back; then pages three and four in the same way. Staple together in the
left corner so that it opens like a booklet. Store this worksheet in a file
folder. Keep bills, receipts and banking information inside. This provides
you with important records of your spending.
Forms for planning and tracking your spending are included in this resource. Select the forms that are useful for your situation. Follow the links below to find:
• Form SP10—Planning for Irregular Expenses for the Year
• Form SP20—Tracking Your Spending
• Form SP30— Recording Account Transactions
• Form SP40—Tracking Loan and Credit Payments
Six steps for success!
Follow these six steps to set up a spending plan for the month:
1. Set goals.
This resource has been developed by: Basic Skills for Living Project Manitoba Association of Home Economists— Winnipeg Branch Box 1961 Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R2 Canada Phone: (204) 253-3563 Email: info@basicskillsforliving.ca |
2. Identify family income.
3. Review last month’s spending so you can estimate upcoming expenses.
4. Put numbers in your plan. Do you have enough money (income) for the expenses you expect?
5. Make your plan work! Cut expenses so you do not overspend. Income needs to balance with expenses.
6. Plan for the future. Review how things worked—what went well? What needs to change for next month?
Basic Skills for Living © 2006
Learning About Money
Keep a spending calendar
A calendar is a useful planning tool. It
can help you get organized and show at a glance when you are paid and bills are
Start by filling in the dates on the calendar below for the coming month. Circle the dates you receive income. Next, mark the dates and names of upcoming expenses
e.g. 1st—rent; 15th—phone bill, etc. Use a pencil so you can change information. This will help you plan and track your money.
Complete a worksheet each month. This will give you a spending record. You will be able to see where your money goes and plan for the future.
Month of ________________ |
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Take time to plan! For example, take an hour at the beginning of the month to set up your plan. Then, in the middle of the month set another hour aside to see where the money is going. Adjust expenses as needed. Also, review bank statements and check balances to stay on track. At the end of the month look at your actual income and expenses to see if they balanced. Now plan again for the next month . . .
Basic Skills for Living © 2006
A Spending Planner . . . 2
Set up your plan
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Set goals:
Write down the things that are really important for the month ahead. Things you need to do, or bills you need to pay. Decide if you need to put money away for future expenses.
See Form SP10—Planning Irregular Expenses for the Year to start saving for irregular and annual expenses. Later, set goals for saving in the future. See SP120-4 Financial Goals.
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Identify your expected income for the month:
Expected income: Name Date $ amount
Salaries/wages: ___________ _______ ________
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