Comparison GB and Belarusian sport
It’s not a secret that the most essential condition of a happy person is a good health. And in our country this matter takes significant place as it is considered as important by the government. Even though the tendency of mass participating in terms of sport has become popular quite recently a lot of attention is paid to this problem in our country.
For instance there are plenty of mass-starts in skies which everybody can take part in Belarus. By the way winter sports are more popular than summer one perhaps because of the climate. So Ice palaces are built as ice hockey is the sport #1 in our country. Athletics stadiums, tennis courts are wide spread as well. Well, extensive facilities let every boy and girl go in for sport whatever he\she likes. This produces a healthy nation in the future. As you may see, Belarus is a sports-conscience nation.
Such politics gives its results so unsurprisingly our sportsmen won a lot of medals at the Olympic Games. The most outstanding Belarusian sportsmen are Карстен Екатерина, the double Olympic champion in rowing, Vitaly Scherbo, well known artistic gymnast who won 6 gold medals in Barcelona. This incredible result was beaten only twice in history – by Mark Spitz (7 gold medals) and Michael Phelps (8 gold medals), both swimming. An absolute surprise became winning the Olympic gold in 100 m race by Julia Nesterenko, called silver lightning for her unbelievable speed. The sportsmen from our country are traditionally strong in athletics, rowing and canoeing and weightlifting.
Comparing with Great Britain we are probably not as good as they are in supporting the favourite team. In other word the British are better spectators, may be, there are much more prestigious competitions in the UK which provided their love to visiting stadiums and watching performances. It is said that British football fans are the best in the world which is likely to be the truth. You will never find spectators who sing and support better, than British fans.
Every year a wide variety of fascinating competitions take place in GB. Wimbledon in tennis, formula 1 grand prix, significant contests in rugby and cricket, football premier league – all they make British be crazy on sport.
The climate differs in two countries quite a lot, so football which is played in our country in summer is a winter sport in GB. The mild moderate British climate provided unpopularity of winter kinds of sport there.
The difference in landscape between the countries caused is noticeable as games that require long smooth plains (like golf for example) are popular in our country.
The British invented no less than dozen of games like football and rugby, tennis, cricket and so on. First they were the source of entertament for rich people that just didn’t know what to do in their spare time. Everybody in Belarus was always involved in some kind of work so they just had no time for playing games.
Короче блин, they like gambling, we don’t. what else?
Besides, they are fond of horse racing which produced their passion to gambling. The oldest bookmaker office is William Hill who was the British as well.
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