Creating HDL Text Modules, страница 68

VHPI/PLI wizard is available in Tools menu. This wizard creates templates for PLI applications.The VHPI/PLI wizard also generates makefiles for GCC compiler for windows (installed with Active-HDL) or Visual C++ compiler.

                                           D.2 How to use Verilog PLI

•    Open mem design

There are three source files:

•    mem.v – behavioral memory

•    mem_PLI.v – the same memory but described with use of PLI

•    mem_tb.v – Testbench for both memories

                                                    D.3 How to use Verilog PLI

•  Open the mem_PLI.v file
there are two non-standard tasks called:       $write_mem, $read_mem
These tasks are described in C language with use of PLI Interface

module ram (WE, DATA, Q, ADDR);

  parameter word_size = 8;

  parameter addr_size = 16;

  //parameter mem_size = 65536;

  output [(word_size-1):0] Q;

  reg [(word_size-1):0] Q;

  input [(word_size-1):0] DATA;

  input [(addr_size-1):0] ADDR;

  input WE;

  always @(WE or ADDR or DATA) if (WE) $write_mem(ADDR, DATA);

  always @(WE or ADDR or DATA) Q = $read_mem(ADDR);


                                       D.4 How to use Verilog PLI

•  Open the mem.cpp file
There is source code in C language for both tasks: $write_mem, $read_mem
The interface with Active-HDL is made with use of veriusertfs structure.

s_tfcell veriusertfs[] =

•  {

•      {userfunction, 0, Check_Read_mem, Size_Read_mem, Read_mem, 0, "$read_mem"},

•                                         //$read_mem(address);

•                               {usertask, 0, Check_Write_mem, 0, Write_mem, 0, "$write_mem"},

•                                         //$write_mem(address, data);

•                               {0} /*** final entry must be 0 ***/

•  };


•  This file should be compiled by a C/C++ compiler to generate a DLL file.
In this example the DLL file has already been created for you

                                D.5 How to use Verilog PLI

Now you have to attach DLL file to Active-HDL simulator

•  Open the Settings window from the Design menu

                                Answer NO, if requested to compile files

•  Select the Verilog PLI tab

•  Press the Add new application button

•  Find the memory.dll file
it is located in $DSN\memory\Debug\

•  Press the OK button


                                                D.6 How to use Verilog PLI

•  Now you can compile the mem_PLI.v file
there should not be any warning or error messages.

•  Compile the mem_tb.v file

•  Set the mem_tb module as top level

•  Initialize simulation and add signals to the Waveform
there will be a message reading that the PLI library has been loaded
PLI: Loading library 'C:\My_designs\mem/memory/Debug/memory.dll'

•  Run the simulation

•  Compare simulation results with the PLI use and plain Verilog description from mem.v (run the simulation again but compile mem.v instead of mem_PLI.v)

                                           Appendix E

                                WAVES Testbenches

                                E.1 WAVES Testbenches

•  Open the sample design counter_time
There are three subfolders:
- FUNCTIONAL – contains functional model of a counter
- TIMING – contains timing model of the counter and SDF file
- TestBench – contains testbench and simulation macros

                                             E.2 WAVES Testbenches

•  Execute the macro
Functional simulation will be run

•  Save the waveform as FUNCTIONAL.awf

•  Close the waveform file

•  Execute the macro
Functional simulation will be run

•  Save the waveform as FUNCTIONAL.awf

•  Close the waveform file

                                       E.3 WAVES Testbenches

•  Execute macro
Timing simulation will be performed