Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 7

II. Give the synonyms of: to restrict, various, rough, estimate, for in­stance, reduction, large, plant, to forbid, now, many, ship.

Ш. Give the words opposite in meaning: often, discharge, fine, most, to fall, total, less, reduction, large, rough, fresh water, surface, known, unfit.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is becoming the international problem?

2. How many millions tons of oil are discharged into seas and oceans?

3. What does fine film prevent?

4. What is done to ensure that water resources remain polluted?

5. What organizations were established?

6. What organization is well-known?

7. What products often pollute the water?

8. Does resposibility for pollution control rest with local government?

9. What per cent have total emissions of smoke in the air fallen?

10.What has Britain adopted?

V. Fill in prepositions if necessary. Translate into Russian:

1. Total emissions ... smoke ... the air have fallen by over 85 per cent ...

2. Responsibility ... pollution control rests ... local and central govern­ment.

3. ... a rough estimate, no less than five million tons of oil are discharged... seas and oceans each year.

4. It is forbidden to build new industrial enterprises ... the water sources.

5. A fine film of oil prevents ... air-water-oxygen exchange.

6. Many organizations make the great contribution ... this matter.

7. One litre of oil makes one million litres ... fresh water unfit ... drink­ing.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Загрязнение окружающей среды очень велико сегодня.

2. Интенсивное развитие промышленности сказывается на загрязне­нии атмосферы.

3. Взрыв на Чернобыльском ядерном энергоблоке в апреле 1986г.
вызвал радиоактивное загрязнение огромной территории вокруг станции.

4. Мы должны предпринять решительные меры по нейтрализации
опасного воздействия радиации на окружающую среду.

5. Вот почему украинское правительство придает большое значение
этой проблеме.

6. На Украине было создано Министерство по охране окружающей

7. Так же был учрежден Специальный Комитет Верховного Совета,
возглавляемый В.Яворским.

8. Задача этих организаций: контролировать состояние окружающей среды и источники загрязнения, охранять водные ресурсы Черного моря, Азовского моря, рек и озер, расширять сеть естественных запасов, сотрудничать с международными экологическими организациями.

9. "Zeleny Swet" - украинская экологическая газета.

10.Газета призывает к защите природных богатств, к использованию их более бережно и экономично, на благо нынешнего и будущего поколе­ний.



Fish smoking and the environment.

            Environmental protection is gaining significance in all sectors of the economy and, thus knowledge of the environmental consequences of producing your products are a key factor in ensuring that you can maintain, or even improve, your position within competitive markets.

There was little or no control over the waste products from the whole process leading to pollution by the smoke components.

This pollution has increasingly become an important issue due to pressure from both the public and, most importantly, the regulatory authorities. Together with the need to satisfy increasingly high demand for high quality smoked meat and fish products, the industry has made further technical developments within the smoking sector.

In the '70s and '80s the first steps were made towards meeting the rising demands of environmental protection. It was possible to reduce the energy costs entailed in the afterburning of smoke emissions by 50%. In addition to this obvious environmental benefit, the efficiency of such plants from the user’s point of view was clearly improved.