We herewith agree upon the above stated weights of specified fishes
Date & Time
Representative fishingvsls Representative receiver
SCARUSскарус (название фирмы),
marinenutritionзд. морские пищевые рыбы (и ракообразные);
Reg.No - registerednumberрегистровый номер,
accept принимать;
species ['spijiz] вид(ы)рыбы,
sardine [sa:di:n| сардина;
horse-mackerel ставрида,
herring сельдь;
river herring помолобус (рыба);
saithe [seid] сайда,
flounder [flaunda] камбала речная камбала, ложный палтус;
turbotfta-batlтюрбо, палтус, камбала, калкан,
squidкальмар (промысловый моллюск),
fishmealрыбная мука,
total общий (вес);
herewith [hiawia] настоящим,
specify ['spesifai] точно определять, устанавливать,
~iedfishesукачанные виды (рыб);
date & timeдата и время;
fishing vsls = fishing vessels промысловые суда;
vsls = vesseb суда,
receiver получатель,
We herewith agree upon the Настоящим мы подтверждаем вышеупомянутый вес
above stated weights of указанной рыбы.
specified fishes.
I. Answer the questions.
When does
the cargo-officer make arrangements about the means of trans
shipping the cargo?
2. What kinds of fish products can be trans-shipped from one ship to another"?
3. How are fresh and chilled fish usually trans-shipped?
4. What is the average weight of a frozen fish carton (box)?
5. What types of pumps do they use when trans-shipping fish?
6. How much fish are given in addition to cover the weight of the packing?
//. Ask questions to the underlined words.
the fish quality were up to practical standard he offered to start trans
2. We are going to discharge the fish with the brail.
3. We have been discharging the cargo for about an hour
4. I'd like to measure the temperature of the fish discharged because the fish quality
5. After the trance-shipping is over they fill in the Delivery Note.
Ш. Make up sentences.
1. Fish to be discharged... ... about 30-32 kg.
- The average weight of each carton
2. (box) is… .. .to discharge the fish
3. To trans-ship fish... ...will you measure the temperature of fish.
4. How are you going... ... discharging operations, please.
5. How of ten... ...can be fresh, chilled or frozen
6. Will you stop... …we usually use feed-water pump or the brail
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