Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 68

The ice used (either-without salt) must be made from drinking water or clean sea water and stored hygienic conditions al-purpose container. These containers must be kept  perfect, clean condition. Prepacked fresh products can be kept cool using ice or, nically, using a refrigeratin plant which produces temperatures.

Product tempera: samples should be taken when checking incoming goods:

Diagram 5: Temperature mea­surement during checking of incoming goods; for reasons of hygiene head gear must be worn in the presence of un-packaged foods!

Diagram 6: A temperature probe suited to both frozen and fresh products. 'Screw' the probe into the frozen pro­duct: in the case of small pro­ducts right to the centre, in the case of large products at least 80mm. but not as far as the probe handle.

In addition, fishery products must undergo visual checks according to the Hygiene Di­rective both during produc­tion and prior to sale as fish for human consumption. This is to prevent fish which is ob­viously infected by parasites from being passed on to the consumer. Visual checks of incoming raw materials to de-ermine the possible presence of parasites can also be of be­nefit in order to establish the quality of the delivered pro­duct in advance.

            So what are 'visual checks'? The term is defined in the Commission             Decision 93/140/EEC of 19 January 1993 giving a detailed de­scription of visual checks for determining the presence of parasites in fishery products. Visual checks are the 'non­destructive examination of fish or fishery products without the use 0f optical magnifiers and under god light conditions for the human eye, and sometimes by examination against the light.

            Examination of fishery products against the light is thus not ‘expert visual checks’ are. 

 Diagram 7: A light table for use in parasite control

During this kind of visual check it is, of course, possible to determine the presence of dir ets., too.

            It has also proved worthwhile to inspect the supplier’s means of transport on the products’ arrival. If dirt, damage, wood or metal splinters, peeling rust or paint are found to be present, there is a risk of these getting into the products.

            If during incoming raw materials checks it is established that the temperature exceeds the ‘right’ temperature, that there is an excessive umber of  parasites or dirt present, or that insufficient attention has been paid to hygiene by the supplier then appropriate steps must be taken, such as the non – release or rejection of the goods.

            It is also recommendable to take samples of the fish raw materials to test for the presence of histamine and make sure that this is not in excess of the maximum statutory level. Histamine is a by – product of fish protein which, in higher quantities, can constitute a consumer health risk.

            Adherence to the staff hygiene measures dealt within Part I of our Guide to Hygiene series is also, of course, essential in the incoming goods area. For structural and requirements, please see Part 2.

            The urgency of the measures outlined is naturally depended on whether the goods concerned are unpackaged, ram fishery products or sterilized, packed products.      

Part V

Grammar commentaries

The verb

The active voice

Indefinite tenses


Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма

Вопросительная форма

Обстоятельст­венные слова

Present Indefi­nite

We write

letters every day. He   writes letters every day.

I do not write letters every day. She does not write let­ters   every day.

Do you write letters every day? How often does he write letters?

always every day (week, month) usually

Past Indefi­nite

I wrote   a

letter yester­day.

He wrote a

letter yester­day.

They   did not write let­ters yester­day.

 She did not

write a letter yesterday.

Did you write a letter yesterday?

What did

he do yester­day?

yesterday last year a month ago



I shall

write a letter tomorrow.

He will

write a letter


We shall

not write let­ters tomorrow.

She will

not write letters tomorrow.

When will

you write  a letter?

Will he

write a letter tomorrow?


next week in two years