Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 47

11.  Answer the following guest ions: 

        1. What measures must governments take?

      2. What conditions are fulfilled?

      3. What understanding does the fish conditions imply?

      4. What does the second condition imply?

      5. What would it also be desirable?

      6. Where will these matters be discussed?

      7. Why is a gradual selective approach necessary?

      8. How should eco – labeling be regarded?

      9. What does eco – labeling secure?

12. Translate the following sentences into English:

        1. Идея использовать оценки потребителей рыбопродукции в контексте более ответственного подхода к рыбным ресурсам должны приветствоваться.

      2. Экологические маркировки должны проводиться на нейтральной и заслуживающей доверия основе.

      3. Потребители и рыбная промышленность должны иметь единое толкование понятия «экологическая маркировка».

      4. Необходимо сделать все для того, чтобы не допустить использование экологической маркировки в качестве основного элемента рекламы товара.

        5. Большинство потребителей гораздо больше итрересуются качеством продукта, а не источником его происхождения.

      6. Рыбной промышленности следует принять постепенный выборочный подход к решению данной задачи.

      7. Экологическая маркировка рыбопродуктов неизбежна, несмотря на различные мнения.

      8. Она может способствовать обеспечению непрерывности рыбных поставок в будущем.

      9. Необходимо, чтобы процесс лицензирования должен быть подробно разъяснен потребителям.

      10.Было бы желательно, чтобы экономические маркировки включали аспект качества рассматриваемого продукта.

Part III

Unit 1

Management Systems for Quality and Safety.

Definitions and Explanations of Terms.  

Quality: that which, can be individually described and considered.

Quality: totality of the characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.

QA: Quality Assurance: all the planned and systematic activities and functions implemented in the quality system, and demonstrated as needed to provide adequate confidence that an entity will fulfil requirements for quality.

QC: Quality Control: The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil quality requirements.

GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices. The various procedures and activities in the manufacture, handling and storage of a food product which have been shown by experience to be effective, and recognized by experts in the field to be effective, in consistently producing and a safe product of high quality and ensuring its safety and quality. In a complete quality assurance system, GMPs are mainly related to hygienic and sanitary practices.

HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. A systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazards.

ISO: International. Standards Organization. 1 rue de Varembe, Case Postale 56,

CH-1211 Geneve 20, Switzerland.

Pre-requisite Programs: operational procedures, particularly, GMPs, that must be in place in an establishment before a HACCP plan is developed.

SSOP: Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures. The documented GMPs- for hygiene and sanitation required to meet the regulatory-requirements for food control in the USA.

International Standards Organization.

International Standards Organization was established in 1946 by 25 national standards organizations. In fact the standard work has begun since 1947. While establishing organization and choosing its name it was important that the abbreviation of the name would be sounded universally in all languages. It was decided to use the greek word “ISOS” – “universal” for this purpose, that’s why International Standards Organization has abbreviation ISO (ИСО) in all languages.