Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 28

6.       Define the tense and voice of the verbs in the following sentences . Translate them.

l. For this purpose the ministry of Fisheries of Ukraine was established in late 1994, which has since been replaced by the State Gommittee of fisheries. 2. At present ongoing economic reforms are taking place within the fishery industry 3. The Ukrainian fishery industry today constitutes an important part of the national economy. 4. Of 288 enterprises and organizations which come under the authority of State Committee, 46 have changed ownership, 5. In the period 1991 to 1994 the output offish food products was reduced 2.7 times. 6. The sales volume of imported products considerably will exceed that of local products, 7. Trade agreements with neighboring countries are being negotiated and a free trade agreement with hat via was recently ratified. 8. The plant is equipped with modern processing equipment for variants kind of canned fish for fish meal production. 9. The wide range of canned products includes products based on sprat, which are available in 15 different sauces and can be eaten hot or cold. 10. The fish delivered by the ship were being processed at that trine yesterday.

7. Answer the following questions:

What part dues the Ukrainian fishery industry constitute today?

When did it become apparent that there is a need to establish a government body
to manage fisheries enterprises?

What vessels do fishing cxampanies possess?

Where are fishing vessels in operation?

What reforms are taking plaoe at present?

What capacity have the fishing fleet and aquaculture enterprises?

How many enterprises and organizations which come under the authority of State
Committee of Fisheries have changed ownership?

Where are more than 60,000 people employed?

What will help considerably in development of the coastal infrastructure?

8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Сегодня рыбное хозяйство Украины составляет важную часть национальной экономики.

2. Стало   ясно,    что   необходимо    создать   государственный   орган   для регулирования  и  координации  рыбного  ведомственных  предприятий   и организаций.

3. Ранее  образованное Министерство рьяного хозяйства Украины впоследствии стало называться Государственным комитетом по рыбному хозяйству.

4. Добывающие компании имеют 120 крупных судов и около 160 небольших рыболовных судов.

5. В настоящее время в рыбном хозяйстве продолжается экономическая реформа.

6. Из-за экономических трудностей в рыбном хозяйстве его промышленный потенциал еще не реализован в полной мере.

7.  Украина   -   одна из лидирующих стран СНГ с точки зрения процесса перестройки рыбного хозяйства.

8.  Быстро идет процесс приватизации - как в пресноводном, так и в морском секторе.

9.  Рыбная промышленность  страны  способна производить  самые разные продукты    высокого     качества,     необходимые    для     удовлетворения национального спроса и поставки на экспорт.

10. Следует отметить и то, что постепенно меняется интерес потребителя к тем или  иным  продуктам,       он  все  больше  предпочитает  обработанные, потрошенную рыбу, включая филе и другие  полуфабрикаты.

11. Не последняя   роль   в   развитии   рыбной   промышленности   отводится аквакультуре.

12.Этому существенно может помочь сильная государственная поддержки и привлечение иностранных инвестиций в целях развития и модернизации.

9.       Read the following text, put five special questions and learn it.


Ukraine is towards the head of the field in the terms of CIS countries in the process of restructure

ing their fishery industries. Tremendous potential exists within what is в huge market of fifty-one million people. The process of privatisation is continuing apace both within the freshwater aid marine sector Trade agreements with neighboring countries are being negotiated and a free trade agreement with Latvia was recently ratified. New laws such as the recent law to abolish VAT on fish caught by vessels under the Ukrainian flag are also being introduced to stimulate the industry.