We chose Bastra over our previous supplier for two main reasons. Firstly, the choice was based on the fact that Bastra manufactures technologically superior equipment combined with outstanding customer service. Most importantly, we felt the need to differentiate ourselves from other salmon processors, and our investment in this equipment gives us a real competitive advantage".
Words to be remembered
1. Supply synonyms for the following words:
installation, demand,
processing, to use, flavour, offer, processor, ability.
2. TranslateintoEnglishthefollowingwordsandwriteantonymstothem:
наиболее, успешный, новый, здоровый,
увеличивать, доступный, желательный, полностью, положительный, преимущество,
предыдущий, важный, реальный.
3. Find in the text verbs corresponding to the
following words:
producer, service,
confrontation, increasing, removal, dictation, achievement, discussion,
feeling, improvement.
11. внимание
12. развитие
Translate the
following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the words in the bold
1. The result is
increased consumer interest in the processing of these products and the
additives being used in their production. During the smoking process,
all procedures can be controlled in putted and documented through the use of
appropriate Bastra - controlled technology. 2. Bastra is regarded as one of
the most innovative producers of smoke house in the world. Undoubtedly,
today’s suppliers are confronted with the challenge of producing smoked
fish products due to the healthy – eating trends. The Bastra liquid smoking
technology offers growing market excellent alternatives that were previously not
available. 3. The producer has the ability to dictate each step of the smoking
procedure. Hence through this innovative product development, one can
achieve reduced costs, higher productivity and increased competitiveness.
Undesired materials, which produced during the classic smoking process
are completely removed in the production of liquid smoke.
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