Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 3


Currency - валюта

Currency exchange - обмен валюты

Banknote - банкнота

Cash - наличные


I. Translate the following groups of words:

1.  to be a stranger in the town:

2.  to pay for a passage;

3.  to go straight ahead,

4.  the nearest taxi-stand,

5.  to call back later;

6.  to make a trunk call;

7.  the charge per word;

8.  the number is engaged.

II. For each sentence, choose the letter of the best answer.

1. You want to have a conversation with a person who lives far away. So you:

а)  send a letter,

б) make a trunk call;

c)  buy an envelope;

d)  send a reply pre-paid telegram.

2. You want to send a letter by air-mail. So you:

a)  buy stamps and give them to the official;

b)  you fill in the printed form and cash the money;

c)  you drop your letter into the nearest pillar-box;

d)  you weigh the letter on the scales.

3. When you answer the phone and can't make out who is speaking, yon

a)  "Hold the line";

b)  "I am sorry, it must be the wrong number"

c)  "Who is on line?"

d)  "Thanks for calling"

4. The telephonist generally says in case he (she) can't put you through:
a.) "I can't get through"

b)  "Speak slowly, please".

c)  "May I use your phone?"

d)  "I can't hear you well".

5. You have forgotten the necessary telephone number. So you look in the:

a)  coockery;

b)  notebook;

c)  telephone directory (telephone book)

d)  newspaper.

III.   Answer the following questions:

1.  Do you often send telegrams and letters?

2.  How often do you go to the post-office?

3.  What services does the post-office offer?

4.  What must you do if you want to send a wire?

5.  What conveniences does a telephone offer?

6.  What do you have to do if you are making a call from a call-box?

7.  What is a telephone extension?

8.  What is your telephone member?

9.  In case you haven't got a directory where do you ring up for informa­tion?

IV.   Fulfil the following tasks:

1.  Tell the a paper-by that you must get to the port. Ask him what bus
you must take and where the bus stop is.

2.  Ask a passer-by where the nearest currency exchange is. Take a taxi
and tell the driver to go. Ask him to drive faster.

V.     Translate the following sentences paying attention to the mo­dal verbs:

1.  You needn't come so early.

2.  He says that we are to meet at 5 o' clock to morrow.

3.  They could have taken their exam in English yesterday.

4.  She must have translated that text long ago.

5.  My friend may have left two days ago.

6.  You should be more attentive filling in this document

7.  The specially designed computer should have been used in the
equipment of the meteo probe.

VI.   Translate the following sentences into English:

1.  Я заблудился. Не покажите ли Вы мне дорогу в центр города?

2.  Я хочу послать срочную телеграмму с оплаченным ответом.

3.  Сколько времени понадобится,  чтобы это письмо дошло до Ук­раины?

4.  Как мне найти нужный номер в телефонной книге?

5.  Заполните бланк, пожалуйста. Вот Ваша квитанция.

6.  Когда Вы услышите гудок, указывающий, что на линии все в по­рядке, Вы можете набирать нужный Вам номер.