Методические указания на "Сборник текстов по дисциплине «Деловой английский язык»", страница 56

7. Fill in the blanks using the words given below:

1. In the 1960  work began in the USA to develop ….. based on ensuring procedures when sitting – up preventive consol systems.

2. Critical control ….. are stages during production or processing which have significant influence on food safety.

3. Critical control point is the ….. process during canning.

4. It is important to eusure the ….. of all the germs within the can.

5. It is a processing ….. which is very easily monitored with regard to the sterilization affect.

6. HACCP concert is ….. within the complete food production process right up the final consumer.

8. Finish the following sentences:

1. Individuals and companies involved in the production, processing or placing on the…..

2. One of the concept is to estimate of the probability of the …..

3. Specification of procedures to unsure that the optimum …..

4. Specification of corrective action to be taken as soon as monitoring reveals that …..

5. The systematic procedure for setting up an HACCP …..

6. The establishment of so – called critical control points based on …..

9. Answer the following questions:

1. What do individuals and companies involved in the production or placing on the market of foods have to do?

2. When and where did the work begin?

3. What work was begun in USA?

4. What is the usult of work?

5.  What is stages during production or processing?

6. What is the abbreviation for critical point mean?

7. What does critical control point?

8. What is essential on the one hand to ensure?

9. What is very easily monitored with regard to the sterilization effect?

10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Анализ опасностей и критические точки контроля – это один из подходов к обеспечению безопасности пищевых продуктов.

2. Его суть состоит в выявлении и анализе опасностей, связанных с производством того или иного продукта питания.

3. Необходимо определить, какие опасности являются критическими и, тем самым, нуждаются в контроле для снижения риска для потребителя до приемлемого уровня.

4. Поскольку любая «единичная операция» (например: копчение, соление, упаковка и т. д.) никогда не является единственной в любом процессе – выявления той или иной КТК в высшем плане НAССР будет зависеть от всего процесса.

5.  Во избежания негативного воздействия на производимые продукты, необходимо соблюдать определенные конструкционные требования.

6. Результатом работы явилась НАССР концепция, охватывающая две основные области.

7. Критические точки контроля – этапы в производстве или обработке, которые имеют значительное влияние на безопасность продукта.

8. Критическая точка контроля – это процесс стерилизации во время консервирования.

9. Необходимо уничтожить всех бактерий внутри банки во время стерилизации.

10. Концепция НАССР – это анализ опасностей в течение всего процесса производства до конечного потребителя.

11. Необходимо ведение документальных записей на всех стадиях производства и обработки.   

Unit 4

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems.

         The HACCP concept is a management system for ensuring the safety of foods- Its philosophy is basically the same as that of QA - to institute effective management and control of all aspects of the production process so that products are consistently safe for consumption. A comparison of guidelines for HACCP and for QA management, for example, as specified in the ISO 9000 standards, shows there is a close similarity between the two systems. HACCP can in fact be considered as a specialist soy set of the ISO 9002 standard. Introduced in the food processing industry in the early 1970s, HACCP has increasingly been adopted by companies in the food, including fish, processing industries as a management tool for ensuring the safety of It has also been adopted food regulatory agencies throughout the world as the preferred means of protecting the health of consumers Many countries have introduced food legislation
requiring food processors to implement HACCP systems it their plants. This is the case for many of the important fish importing countries the European Union, United states and Canada, for example. The national legislation these countries requires that exporters of fishery products to these countries have effective