9. Answer the following questions:
1. Where are the most frequenly purchased and probably best – known canned fish products produced?
2. When was the canning company set up?
3. Why is the canning company called as “Hawesta”?
4. Where are all the products used in production tested?
5. When is fish prepared for further processing?
6. What temperature is used for sealing and heating the cans of fish?
7. What does the quality mark guarantee?
8. What has Hawesta recently introduced?
9. Why is the company looking eastwards and northwards for new sales opportunities?
10. Translate the following sentences into English?
1. Компания предлагает новую фирменную продукцию – рыбные коктейли и закуску из мяса.
2. На сегодняшний день программа производства рыбных консервов из сельди и скумбрии составляет около 40 продуктов на любой вкус.
3. Продукция компании предлагается под соусами, в виде копченостей или жареной продукции с различными добавками.
4. Рыбу подготавливают для дальнейшей обработки сразу же после поставки сырья на завод.
5. Для выпуска готового продукта требуется около 80 тонн сырья в день и 4000 литра растительного масла.
6. Продукция длительного хранения компании не содержит консервантов.
7. Даже вне холодильника продукция остается годной к употреблению в течение нескольких лет.
8. Изделия компании – это широкий спектр товаров, приготовленных по различным технологиям.
9. Для тех, кто особенно следит за своим здоровьем, предлагаем филе сельди с томатной приправой с низким содержанием жира.
10. “Навеста” заключает контракт с транспортно – экспедиционными агентствами на поставку своей продукции.
11. Все изделия “Навеста” проходят специальный контроль, проводимый экспертами.
12. Знак качества на этикетке гарантирует, что продукция высокого качества и находится под контролем.
13. В прошлом году это предприятие зарегистрировало объем продаж свыше 50 млн. дол. США.
Eco – Labelling – Is it a threat?
The basic idea of using the judgement offish consumers to achieve a more responsible exploitation of fishery resources should be welcome. It does not replace the responsibilities of governments to take appropriate measures for the management of fish stocks, but it provides an additional argument when it comes to persuading stakeholders that such measures are necessary.
It will be remembered that such a scheme was quite successful in the tuna/dolphin case where die introduction of the "dolphin-free label has virtually eliminated the problem of dolphin mortality in tuna purse seining in the Ea stern Pacific. Industry action convinced operators and institutions that corrective steps had to he taken and they were taken promptly.
However, it is important that two conditions are fulfilled:
• the certification process rnust be neutral and credible;
• the consumers and the industry must fully understand the eco-label.
The first condition implies not only an international understanding about the criteria to be applied - the basic principles can_be_found in the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible fisheries - it also re quires the designation of un-biased certification agencies or companies at national, regional or even international level. It. Must be secured that the eco-labelling is not used as a trade banner.
The second condition implies that the certification process must be well explained to the consumers and it must be avoided that there is a proliferation of eco-labels for fishery products. It would also be desirable that the eco-label incorporates quality aspects of the product concerned, because most consumers do_not_really care where the product is coming from, but they do care that the product is of good quality. Also, it would be cumbersome for the industry to face two separate certification processes.
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