Практична граматика англійської мови для першокурсників. Частина II: Навчально-методичний посібник з граматики, страница 7

e.g.  The children won’t go to the park unless they do all their homework.

       As soon as Bertha arrives at the station, she will sent us a telegram.

Note: Don’t confuse adverbial clauses of time and condition and object clauses:

Adverbial clauses of time and condition

(only present tenses)

Object clauses

(any tense)

Ask Sonia to phone me (when?) when she comes home.  - (time) 

Ask Sonia to phone me (on what condition?) if she comes before 9 p.m. (condition)

Do you know (what?) when Sonia will come home? 

I wonder (what?) if Sonia will comebefore 9 p.m. 

7.  with stative verbs instead of Present Continuous,

e.g.  I hate when it drizzles like this.

       The cake smells delicious.

8.  The Present Simple is used with the following time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time:

·  usually     

·  often                   

·  always                  

·  seldom     

·  occasionally         

·  sometimes           

·  ever

·  rarely       

·  never                   

·  permanently        

·  from time to time

·  now and then       

·  every day/week/month/year

·  in the morning/afternoon/ evening        

·  at night, at the weekend, etc

·  on Mondays, etc.

                        e.g.  Does he ever visit you nowadays?

                                Pat occasionally writes postcards to her distant relatives.

9.  To make sentences in Present Indefinite more emphatic auxiliary verbs ‘do’ or ‘does’ are added in affirmative sentences,

e.g.  I do want to meet your parents. – Я действительно хочу встретиться с твоими родителями.

       Fiona does insist on your going to Kiev. – Фиона все-таки настаивает на твоей поездке в Киев.

10.  Note should be taken about questions to the subject which are asked without an auxiliary verb and with the direct order of words,

e.g.  Who usually cooks in your family? – Our mum does.

        Paula and Jack sometimes visit us at the weekends. – Sorry, I didn’t catch you. Who visits you at the weekends? - Paula and Jack do.

           A short answer to the questions of this type are formed with the auxiliary verb ‘do’ or ‘does’.

*TASK 6.  Make the rules yourself!

Step 1. Look at the verbs in the third person singular and answer the questions below the box.

catches            does                 eats                  enjoys             fixes               flies                 goes   lives                  makes              misses             passes              plays                pushes             reads    replies            says                prepares          smokes                speaks             stands              calls

decides            teaches            thinks              tries                 waits               washes               works

damages          travels             laughs             listens             insists              demands             shops

1.  What is the commonest way of making the third person singular?

2.  What happens with words ending in a vowel + -y?

3.  What happens with words ending in a consonant + -y?

4.  After which consonants and groups of consonants –es is added?

5.  Which two other common words add –es?

Step 2.  Sort out all the verbs given in the box according to the pronunciation of their endings.







Step 3.  Write and pronounce the third person singular of the verbs given below.