Времена английского глагола, действительный залог. Перевод форм английского глагола на русский язык, страница 32


  1. Для замены существительных множественного числа необходимо использовать слова-заместители также в форме множественного числа, т.е. ones, those и these. Например:  All bodies consist of molecules, and thoseof atoms; Collisions between unlike molecules are the important ones; He carried out a number of experiments. Theseproved to be a success.
  2. Когда слова that/those и this/these заменяют ранее упомянутое существительное, они используются без последующего существительного.
  3. За словами-заместителями that/those часто следует предлог (обычно of) или определение, выраженное причастием. Например: The results were very favourable. Especially that of Jones and those obtained with new computer facilities.
  4. Слово one  в значении  неопределенно-личного местоимения обычно предшествует глаголу-сказуемому (часто модальному). Например: One can easily solve a difficult problem using a computer.


1. Определите значения выделенных многозначных слов в следующих предложениях и переведите эти слова на русский язык.

1. This is the only method that will lead to a successful result in our laboratory work. 2. It is clear that these diagrams are like those shown in figure 5. 3. That method of work is rather effective. 4. It istelevision that seemed the most fantastic idea of all the secret human desires. 5. One of  these problems has been solved with the help of a computer. 6. One should take into consideration all the notes given below. 7. You may choose either this article or that one. 8. One must know that the light year is the distance that the light will travel during one year. 9. When a ray of any kind strikes an atom, it may knock an electron out of the atom. 10. In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat. 11. The method makes it possible to obtain the substance in pure form. 12. To work it out how the device works, it is necessary to have a look at the manual.

2. Замените повторяющиеся существительные словами-заместителями. Переведитепредложениянарусскийязык.

а) one/ones

1. There are many diagrams here, and the most interesting diagrams are on the computer listing. 2. This experiment is more complicated than the previous experiment. 3. We should choose the best design from the designs being offered.

б) that/those

1. The potential of this company is higher than the potential of their rivals. 2. Our latest experiments are more sophisticated than the experiments carried out before. 3. His experiment is much simpler than your experiment.

в) this/these

1. There are two methods of solving the problem. The first of the methods has a number of advantages. 2. Two young men introduced the personal computer to the marketplace. Their personal computer was typewriter-sized, quite powerful and inexpensive to build.

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначные слова.

1. The American management styles are very different from the Japanese ones. 2. This applicant’s skills are more impressive than those of the others. 3. It is the new strategy that had such an influence on the development of the whole industry. 4. Aluminium is the basic element of modern engineering. It is being increasingly used in construction. 5. It is noted here that the Moscow television centre was put into operation in 1939. 6. One should remember all the rules while solving the problem. 7. Have you signed the contract with that company? 8. We consider the latest tender to be more cost-effective than that proposed earlier. 9. These values are in agreement with the previous ones. 10. It was only within the past year or so that the technique has become widely known. 11. By means of a computer one can easily solve any problem. 12. That the Internet nowadays is one of the main sources of getting information is a well-known fact.