Времена английского глагола, действительный залог. Перевод форм английского глагола на русский язык, страница 23

1. Her having mastered two foreign languages helps her in her work. 2. The designer insists on his device being tested under operating conditions. 3. His having asked such a question shows that he didn’t prepare the test. 4. The aim of studying foreign languages is receiving more information on one’s specialty. 5. We know of his having bought the software package. 6. The time for thinking is past; we must act at once. 7. His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening slowly. 8. One more fact is worth mentioning in this context. 9. He is busy checking the equipment. 10. He is used to working in such conditions. 11. On pressing the button you will get the information desired. 12. The way of avoiding these difficulties is unknown at present. 13. It’s no good wasting much time in debates. 14. I can’t help mentioning one more interesting fact. 15. The idea of using this technique is new and somewhat unexpected. 16. Will you object to our taking part in the conference? 17. I can’t help being surprised at their success in studying these phenomena. 18. Our further investigations depend on being supplied with the necessary materials. 19. You can’t prevent him from doing this experiment. 20. In making these experiments the scientists were surprised at obtaining some unexpected results. 21. The temperature being so low surprised us. 22. On escaping from the cathode the electrons flow to the plate. 23. The emission of electron starts when the kinetic energy of free electrons becomes big enough to overcome molecular forces of attraction.  24. This man’s having come so early made us change our plans. 25. He likes working in the library late in the evening, when nobody interferes in his work.


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1. Переведите выделенные слова.

1. When applied to automatic control these machines showed good results.

а) применяющиеся          б) при применении          в) применив

2. Given all necessary data, we can solve this problem.

а) данные                  б) если даны               в) давая

3. The range of goods classified as dangerous is extremely wide.

а) классифицировал    б) классифицируемые   в) классифицирующий

2. Найдите причастие 2:

- в функции определения

a) The work of Rutherford followed by research work of other scientists helped to understand many natural phenomena.

b) The work of Rutherford was followed by research work of other scientists.

c)  Research work of other scientists followed the work of Rutherford.

      -в функции обстоятельства

a) Heated water is used in many technical applications.

b) When heated to 100 C water begins to boil.

c) The hot water heated the glass and the tea-spoon in it.                      

3. Выберите правильный перевод английского предложения.

1. The weight defined changed with the density of the material.

a) Определили, что вес изменялся в зависимости от плотности материала.

б) Вес изменялся в зависимости от плотности определяемого материала.

в) Определяемый вес изменялся в зависимости от плотности материала.

2.  The phenomenon influenced by this reaction was investigated.

а) Явление, повлиявшее на эту реакцию, было исследовано.

б) Явление, на которое повлияла эта реакция, было исследовано. в) Реакция, на которую повлияло это явление, была исследована.

3.  The feeding of information followed by the solving of problem is done at a high speed.

а) Подача информации, следующая за решением задачи, происходит очень   быстро.

б) Подача информации, за которой следует решение задачи, происходит очень    быстро.

в)  Решение задачи, следующее за подачей информации, происходит очень быстро.

4. The metal chosen melted at this temperature.

а) Выбранный металл плавился при этой температуре.

б)  Выбрали металл, который плавится при этой температуре.

в) Металл плавился при выбранной температуре.