Creating HDL Text Modules, страница 53

•  Errors will occur. Console window will show the error messages and erroneous lines will be highlighted in the HDL editor

•  Double-click on an error info in the Console to jump to the incorrect code

                                               2.9 Creating the CNT_4b module

•  Add the use clause for the IEEE std_logic_unsigned package (before the entity declaration)

•  From the Edit menu, choose the Document Structure | Generate Structure to enhance legibility of the code

•  The complete source code should look like shown in the picture

                                              2.10 Simulating the CNT_4b module

•  Save the CNT_4b.vhd file

•  Compile the CNT_4b.vhd file (select the CNT_4b.vhd item in the Design Browser and use the Compile option from the context menu)

                                      2.11 Simulating the CNT_4B module

•  Initialize simulation (Simulation | Initialize Simulation option)

•  Invoke the new Waveform Editor window - click on the      icon

•  Click on the cnt_4b(cnt4b) and drag & drop signals into the Waveform Editor window. To view the simulation top-level hierarchy, click the structure tab at the bottom of the Design Browser.

                                        2.12 Simulating the CNT_4B module

•  The force command used from the console or in macro files lets you create any waveform using the following syntax:
force signal_namevalue1 time1, value2 time2 -r period


where more than two pairs of signal value and time can be specified and -r switch is skipped for aperiodic waveforms

•  Select File | New | Macro from the menu

•  Type the following lines into the document:

force signal_namevalue1 time1, value2 time2 -r period


                                2.13 Adding the DO macro to the project

•  Select File | Save as from the menu, type CNT_4b in the  File name box and select the Automatically add new files to design checkbox.

                                          2.14 Simulating the CNT_4B module

•  Switch to Files view in the Design Browser: special icon for the saved macro should be visible.

•  Close the file; the Waveform should be visible again
in the Document window

•  Right click icon in the Design Browser and select Execute from the context menu.
Formula text should appear in the Stimulator column for the CLK, ENABLE and RESET signals

•  Right click icon in the Design Browser and select Execute from the context menu.
Formula text should appear in the Stimulator column for the CLK, ENABLE and RESET signals

                               2.15 CNT_4B module description

•  Adjust the simulation step to 100 ns if necessary

•  Click the      icon to progress the simulation

•  After clicking two more times on the      icon, the waveforms should look like this:

•  End simulation (Simulation | End Simulation option)

•  Save the waveform into the file as CNT_4b.awf

•  Close all documents

                                        2.16 Creating the CNT_BCD module

•  To complete the 4-decades counter, create a new Block Diagram

•  Use the New Source File Wizard (File | New | Block Diagram from the menu) to create CNT_BCD component.
Remember to select VHDL as the target language.

                                            2.17 Creating CNT_BCD module-ports

•  Add the input ports of the STD_LOGIC type:

–  CLK



•  Add the output ports of the STD_LOGIC_VECTOR:

–  BCD_A[3:0]

–  BCD_B[3:0]

–  BCD_C[3:0]

–  BCD_D[3:0]

•  Click Finish

•  Add the input ports of the STD_LOGIC type:

–  CLK



•  Add the output ports of the STD_LOGIC_VECTOR:

–  BCD_A[3:0]

–  BCD_B[3:0]

–  BCD_C[3:0]

–  BCD_D[3:0]

•  Click Finish