• The Existing Jobs tab summarizes and gathers the information for the selected farm, user, or project depending on the selections made in the Farm Controller and Filter list boxes.
• Additionally, this tab allows you to terminate a job running and get the results created during the job execution.
11.7c Server Farm – Queue
• The Queue tab allows the user to watch the current execution order and, if necessary, change it by dragging the selected task.
• The task waiting for the execution cannot be edited or paused but it can be deleted from the list if you highlight its task template first and then choose Remove from the pop-up menu.
• The Farm Controller list box allows you to switch among farms and filter jobs put into the queue.
The following columns are available:
• Id displays job's number.
• Owner points to the user who scheduled a task.
• Submitted informs when a task has been scheduled.
• Path displays the name and path of Controller's temporary working folder where files required to properly execute a job will be copied from your computer and then processed remotely. By default, the path is as follows:
• Requirement displays the name of the target tool used to execute the task. The list of tools that can execute an individual task is available on the Parameters tab of the Server Properties Window.
• Command Line displays the command line used to execute the scheduled task.
11.8 Server Farm with Design Flow
Jobs also can be submitted directly from the Design Flow. You can run synthesis, implementation, and simulation this way.
11.8a Server Farm with Design Flow
Flow Configuration Settings
To run synthesis, implementation, or simulation on server farm from the Design Flow Manager, you have to check appropriate option and enter the name of the Server Farm Manager.
Then, after pressing the appropriate buttons in the Design Flow window, tasks will be run on the server farm.
11.8b Server Farm with Design Flow
Flow Configuration Settings
There could be set additional options for each tasks in Synthesis, Implementation, and Simulation Option windows on the Server Farm tab.
11.8c Server Farm with Design Flow
Getting Results
When a job is completed, you can start downloading the results pressing the Finished Jobs button in the Design Flow window.
The Get Finished Jobs window appears. It allows you to choose and download results for the selected task.
11.8d Server Farm with Design Flow
Getting Results
To get results, select one of finished jobs and right click. Then, choose Get Results... option.
The Include files and Exclude files fields allow you to filter files that are to be downloaded to your computer. By using the Browse button, you can specify the folder where the results will be copied.
Interfaces to External EDA Tools
Course 12
1. Debussy Debugging System
2. Denali Memory Models
3. SWIFT SmartModels Library
12.1 Debussy
• Debussy is a debugging system developed by Novas Software.
• Active-HDL can work with Debussy in two modes:
• Post-processing Mode
• In the Post-processing Mode, the simulation and debugging are two separate stages.
• First, Active-HDL is used to simulate the design. During the simulation Active-HDL, dumps the required data to a Fast Signal Database (FSDB). Once the simulation process is over, the design can be loaded into Debussy. Debussy will read the signal history from the FSDB database created by Active-HDL.
• Dumping data to the FSDB database can be controlled either directly from HDL source code or with macro commands and FSDB PLI tasks. The commands and the PLI tasks can be placed in macro files or issued interactively from the Console window.
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