Creating HDL Text Modules, страница 52

•  Open the Signal Alias Editor (Tools | Signal Alias Editor)

•  Create an alias called LED_DECODE and fill the Value-Mnemonic pairs as shown in the picture

•  Simulation -> Initialize Simulation

•  Open the Signal Alias Editor (Tools | Signal Alias Editor)

•  Create an alias called LED_DECODE and fill the Value-Mnemonic pairs as shown in the picture

•  Simulation -> Initialize Simulation

                                                1.19 Creating a Behavioral Design

•  In the Waveform Editor, right-click on the LED signal and from the context menu choose Properties.

•  Change the signal radix to Binary

•  Select the Use Alias checkbox and choose LED_DECODE in the combo box

•  Confirm your changes - click OK

                                           1.20 Creating a Behavioral Design

•  In the context menu for HEX signal, choose Stimulators

•  Select the Counter stimulator type

•  Click Apply and then Close

                                         1.21 Creating a Behavioral Design

•  From the Simulation menu choose the Run Until option

•  In the dialog, specify the simulation time 1700 ns

The waveform should look as in the picture below

•  From the Simulation menu, choose End Simulation

                                                   2.1 CNT_BCD module description

•  CNT_BCD is a synchronous BCD counter. It has the following input ports:

–  CLK - system clock

–  GATE - count enable

–  RESET - asynchronous RESET

                                                   and output ports:

–  BCD_A, BCD_B, BCD_C, BCD_D - 4 output tetrads

Note: Do not create new file for this yet. You will be prompted to make this module in the future.

                                2.2 Creating CNT_BCD module

•  CNT_BCD has 4 tetrads (CNT_4b decade counters). The counting range is between 0 and 9999. The device counts when GATE signal is set to ‘1’. When RESET=‘1’, the counter is reset.

                2.3 Creating CNT_BCD module

•  We will create a separate design for this module within freq_meter Workspace

•  From the Workspace menu, choose Add New Design to Workspace

•  Follow the New Design Wizard to create a new empty design called BCD_COUNTER

                                      2.4 CNT_4b module description

•  The CNT_4b decade counter has the following ports:

–  input ports (std_logic):

•  CLK - clock

•  RESET - asynchronous reset

•  ENABLE - count enable

–  output ports:

•  FULL (std_logic) - FULL=1 when Q=9 and FULL=0 when         Q¹9

•  Q (std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)) - the counter output

                                            2.5 Creating the CNT_4b module

•  Use the New Source File Wizard to create the CNT_4b component. (Select File | New | VHDL source from the menu,
click Next> in the first wizard screen, type CNT_4b file name and click Next> in the second wizard screen)

                                      2.6 Creating the CNT_4b module

•  Add the input ports of the STD_LOGIC type:

–  CLK



•  Add the output port of the STD_LOGIC_VECTOR type:

–  Q[3:0]

•  Add the output port of the STD_LOGIC type:


Click Finish

                                          2.7 Creating the CNT_4b module

•  Now, type in the code shown here so that the architecture for CNT_4b becomes as shown.

•  Yes, that's right:
type it in!

•  No, there is no exact template for this in the language assistant

•  Now, type in the code shown here so that the architecture for CNT_4b becomes as shown.

•  Yes, that's right:
type it in!

•  No, there is no exact template for this in the language assistant

                                     2.8 Compiling the CNT_4b module

•  Save and compile the CNT_4b.vhd file