With filter "КОЛАН" products extra earnings get in the filter once, and it is not necessary to be afraid, that the dirt will repeatedly come back in the engine. Therefore and experience of driving at running in with filter "КОЛАН" is not so important.
Clearing system "КОЛАН" protects the engine practically from all dangers at:
- use of poor-quality oil, including counterfeit (which on the Russian car markets on different data amount from 20 up to 40 %);
- cold start-up;
- engine break-in;
- dirty air leak-in (including containing a quartz dust) through a faulty air cleaner.
The functional covering is deposited on oil filters covers of Open Company PNTP "КОЛАН" as in the decorative purposes, for giving to products of a marketable appearance and by that for increase of competitiveness; and also for corrosion prevention of an external surface of products.
In the degree project ion-plasma technological installation for realization of technological process of functional covering plating on oil filters covers manufactured by Open Company PNTP "Колан" is developed.
The work piece represents a cylindrical detail in diameter of 0,105 m and height 0,095 m. The material of details steel 3 GOST 8560-78. As a functional covering the titanium nitride providing both protection of details from corrosion, and a packaging giving to it was selected.
Technological process should include such stages, as chemical clearing of details surfaces, clearing of details in vacuum and covering plating on the details surfaces.
Thus, developed installation should contain such compartments as technological in which vacuum clearing of details and covering plating, and also compartments of loading and a unloading of details is carried out.
For uniformity ensuring of covering plating on the detail surfaces it is necessary to provide rotation of the detail about the axis, and also its moving inside of the chamber during realization of technological process. As sprayed titanic targets are used, working gas - nitrogen.
Obviously, designing of ionic-plasma technological installation for one small detail processing economically is not favorable. Proceeding from this the number of simultaneously processable products in installation equal 15 was chosen, three lines with five products in every one. From here we are set by the sizes of a tray with processable products: 0,7х0,8 m, and also amount of such trays simultaneously loaded into the chamber - seven. Thus, for one cycle of work of installation 105 products will be processed.
In a technological compartment of the chamber the first stage makes clearing of products, and then covering deposition. And it is very important to choose speed of moving of trays with details so that in time between these operations on already cleared surface of details particles of residual gases had not time to be adsorbed.
From told in [4]
speed of molecules follows, that
in 1 s on each unit
of the area of the surface limiting gas which is in thermal balance and which
the density of particles is equal , and- molecular average
, falls
nitrogen molecules. At a room temperature and pressure of 1 mm hg density
molecules/sm3, and speed
of sm/s. If to accept, that the probability of sticking has constant
value 0,5 to a surface 2,5·1020 molecules/sm2·s stick.
Thus, the first mononuclear layer is formed approximately for 10-6
s. At pressure of 10-6 mm hg time of mononuclear layer formation makes
nearby 1 s, at pressure of 10-3 mm
hg nearby 10-3 s. But for the second layer formation owing to
reduction of sticking probability after occurrence of the first layer some
seconds, and for achievement of balance - some minutes is required.
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