X = , (3.35)
where I – current of electric strength electric proceeding on a winding of the solenoid, we shall set value of current I = 20 А.
X =390.
Further we shall determine current density which is passing through the coil of the solenoid. For this purpose it is used following expression [19]:
J = I/s. (3.36)
Let's define the area of cross-section chosen above the trunk. Its cross-section represents a rectangular then the area of a rectangular will make:
s = a×b, (3.37)
s = 9 mm2,
Then using the formula (3.36) we shall find value of current density J:
J = 2.22 А/mm2.
The value of electric current density is less 3 А/mm2, that satisfies to the condition brought above.
Knowing value of electric current I, and also quantity of ampere turns X, it is possible to define quantity of turns in the coil on the following ratio:
N = X/I. (3.38)
N = 19,5 turns.
Let's accept structurally quantity of turns equal 19.
Following step of calculation of magnetic system parameters is definition of dimensional parameters of solenoids coils.
From constructive reasons it is chosen two external coils with N=9 coils. We shall set length of coil L = 30 mm. Then the quantity of coils in the layer can be defined from the expression:
Nсл = L/b. (3.39)
Nсл =5.
Quantity of winding layers is determined under the following formula:
Kсл = N/Nсл. (3.40)
Kсл = 1,8 слоев.
Diameter of the solenoid is calculated under the following formula [18]:
Dс = f×(dc + 2×(Kсл×a)). (3.41)
where f – the factor considering presence of isolation on a winding of the solenoid, we shall accept f = 1.5.
= 76 mm.
For check of conformity of a created magnetic field to condition of anode layer creation we shall define larmor electrons and ions radius.
Larmor radius of ion is calculated under the following formula [18]:
RЛi = . (3.42)
RЛi = 0,147 m.
Larmor radius of electron is calculated under the following formula [18]:
RЛe = . (3.43)
RЛe = 1,12×10-12 m.
It is obvious, that larmor electron radius is much less, and larmor radius of ion much more than characteristic size of the acceleration zone, i.e. values satisfies to a condition (3.28). Hence, calculated parameters of AAL satisfy to condition of the ionic-plasma stream creation necessary for clearing of substrate surface [18].
Repository and feed systems (RFS) are intended for storage and preparation of corresponding phase condition, and also for a dosage and submission of working medium in sources. They can be divided functionally into some subsystems, for example: storages, throttling, regulations and distributions. These subsystems are intended for:
- Preservations of working substance since the moment of refueling and till the ending of operation term of installation in the prescribed conditions;
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