Power supply systems and managements are the integral element any MAS and in many respects define efficiency of its work and profitability of dispersion process as a whole. The power supply system should provide the following: high enough brought to magnetron powers (as a rule, from 2,0 up to 15 kwatt); an opportunity of smooth voltage adjustment in range from 0 up to 1 kV; work in the mode of power stabilization or with stabilization of the discharge current; stability to high-frequency voltage fluctuations (up to several kV), generated by plasma, and also the current fluctuations arising owing to formation of heavy-current arches on the cathode surface; management in manual and automatic modes by means of the block of the coordination of its entrance circuits with microprocessor or program devices of process management.
PSS consists of two units - circuit rectifier СВ and the converter of a current. The circuit rectifier carries out functions of straightening of the circuit voltage Uc and smoothing of pulsations, provides the mode of condensers of the filter smooth charging at switching on of the source, uninterrupted operation of energy submission in loading at short-term failures of the circuit voltage below an admissible level and reduces a level of handicaps due to application antijamming filters. On output of СВ the voltage of direct current which is characterized by values 264 … 340 V develops. The voltage transformer includes converter К and the control device УУ. The converter in turn, consists of the adjustable inverter И, transforming constant problem voltage of СВ in variable the rectangular form, transformer-rectifier unit ТВУ working on increased frequency (20 Hz) and providing a galvanic outcome of the circuit with loading, and high-frequency LC-filter ВФ. The control device of ПН provides powerful transistors with control impulses, and also carries out stabilization of voltage on loading Uн by change of control impulses duration, i.e. due to application of a pulse-width voltage regulation method.
The scheme of power supplies and Repository and feed systems of a working medium is presented on sheet ХАИ.461.06.ДП.12.СГ.02.
In developed installation the high vacuum is created by turbo-molecular pumps. To operability assurance of turbo-molecular pumps work the forepump system is applied. The scheme of designed vacuum system is shown on sheet ХАИ.461.06.ДП.12.СГ.03.
Elements of vacuum system are selected under the directory [23].
Forepumpiug is carried out by means of forepumps DRYVAC100S (26, 29, 49), connecting pipelines, valves (23, 27, 46). Pressure is supervised by sensors of low vacuum (24, 28, 48). At achievement necessary forevacuum by valves (12, 14, 34) the foreline is blocked. Open the valve (31, 39, 44), then the valve (13, 33, 35). Occurs the vacuum chamber spilling up to working pressure with the help of three turbo-molecular pumps MAG 2000С/CT (19, 38, 41). Before inclusion of the spilling basic line TMP should leave on an operating conditions that are supervised by sensors of high and low vacuum (15, 16, 17, 36, 37, 42).
For letting-to-air in system after completion of work lap valves (25, 47, 50) are used.
The vacuum chamber is intended for drawing a covering on 15 products simultaneously. VC consists of three compartments connected among themselves by means of flanges: the loading chamber, the technological chamber, the unloading chamber.
The vacuum chamber represents semicontinuously working system. During loading and an unloading of processable products shutters between loading and technological, and also between unloading and technological chambers are blocked, thus supporting working pressure in the technological chamber. After loading and unloading of products door of compartments are closed and realized their spilling up to forevacuum, and then up to working pressure. After that shutters open and work of installation renews.
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