For the given project a possible
source of a fire can be ignition of the socket. For realization of the forecast
of primary fire consequences which can arise in buildings and constructions
(which building elements are executed with use of solid combustible
substances), radiuses of external zones of possible entire fires
and zones of possible
separate fires
are defined using the
ratio :
, (6.14)
Where К-specific thermal loading,
(it is
recommended for the building elements executed with use of firm combustible
substances Нт21·106
joule/kg to
accept К
S - a total area of a building element, m2 (S = 1000 m2);
- Correction factor which characterizes
"availability" of combustible substance of a building element to its
burning out (under the table of characteristics of combustible substances of
building elements we shall accept
for the
wooden floors put on a nonflammable basis).
Jсв.сп.пож.-power flux density of light radiation of a primary fire on an external zone of possible entire fires, watt/m2 (it is recommended to acceptJсв.сп.пож =30·103 watt/m2).
The radius of separate fires is defined from expression:
, (6.15)
Jсв.отд.пож. - power flux density of light radiation of a primary fire on an external zone of possible separate fires, watt/m2 (it is recommended to acceptJсв.сп.пож =10·103 watt/m2).
At forecasting of possible damage rate of people which have appeared in zones of smoke blanketing and chemical pollution, we shall consider the tables data about percentage capacity of oxygen and carbonic gas in air of smoke blanketing and chemical pollution by separate fires, where a fire place is an office premise (О2 = 20 %, СО2=1,8 %, CO = 0,4 %).
At СО2=1,8 % people reflexly increase frequency and depth of breath. Thus work capacity considerably decreases and the physical condition worsens.
When CO = 0,4 % people staying during 45 minutes in such atmosphere, occur a unsafe poisoning.
The quantity of people from influence of smoke blanketing and chemical pollution as a result of separate fires will be equal to total of people which can appear in a zone of smoke blanketing and chemical pollution (Nповр.отд.пож=3):
Мобщ. = Nповр.отд.пож=3 pers.
It is necessary to lead a number of salvage operations also:
- Localization and extinguishing of a fire in premises territory;
- Search 3 amazed and their evacuation from the burning and filled with smoke premise;
- Granting the first medical aid to amazed people.
Thus, in the given section safety measures during the work on the equipment entering in IPTI, calculations of the general input mechanical ventilation in shop are lead, methods of localization of fire are listed, and also the sizes of zones of possible entire and separate fires are calculated.
As a result of the lead work ionic-plasma technological installation on deposition of functional covering on oil filters covers with the source of deposition - magnetron atomizing system and the source of surface clearing - the accelerator with an anode layer has been designed. The developed installation meets all requirements of the technical project.
During designing in the design part of work all the basic units of installation have been developed: magnetron atomizing system, the vacuum chamber of technological installation, and also the accelerator with an anode layer. Besides support systems of installation work have been developed: vacuum system and repository and feed system of working gas. Necessary calculations of parameters of these systems have been made. Were made stress calculation and calculation on reliability of the chosen element of technological installation.
In the technological part of the degree project technological process on preparation of products surface and deposition of functional coverings on oil filters covers has been developed. Necessary time has been calculated on processing of one detail.
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