Разработка ионно-плазменной технологической установки для нанесения функционального покрытия на крышки масляных фильтров, страница 43

Thus, the probability of non-failure operation of the vacuum chamber bottom makes Р = 0,993, that meets the requirements.

5 Estimation of the product unit prime cost

According to “The law of Ukraine on the taxation of the enterprises profit” in the prime cost of any production  manufacture join [28]:

1. Material inputs on manufacture (cost of raw material and semifinished items).

2. Amortization within the limits of norms.

3. The salary of the basic and auxiliary workers.

4. Shop charges.

5. Manufacturing charges.

6. Deductions in funds (pension, social insurance, Chernobyl), included in the prime cost of production according to the legislation of Ukraine.

For definition of material inputs for deposition we shall determine expenses materials:

  The cathode-target (titan). Rate of the application 8,48·10-5 kg/item. At the price of 170 hrn/kg.

  Gas technological (nitrogen). Rate of the application 0.024 balloon/item. At the price of 60 hrn/balloon.

  Power inputs. Power consumption of installation is 10 kwatt. The electric power at the price of 20 kop/kwatt·hour.

Productive capacity of installation 62,5 items/hour.

We shall define the annual issue program. Under condition of one-shift work the monthly fund of time makes Fд=200 hours.

The monthly issue program Nмес=10000 items.

We shall define the cost of account materials carried to one product, in them we shall include power inputs. The list of materials, their charge and cost are brought in table 5.1.

Table 5.1 the List of account materials


The Charge

Cost, hrn/item

Material of covering

8,48·10-5 кг/шт


Gas (nitrogen)

0.024 баллон/шт


The electric power

0,105 кВт/шт




At the annual issue program Nгод=120000·items. we shall receive annual cost of account materials:

Ср.г.= Nгод·С,                                                          (5.1)

where С-cost of the used materials, referred to one depositing product.

Then having substituted С and Nгод in (5.1) we shall receive following expression:

Ср.г.=120000·1,475=177000 (грн./год)

The next expense item of charges will determine amortization of installation and the additional equipment. For definition of depreciation rates it is necessary to determine market cost of installation roughly. As concrete data on similar installations are not present, we shall try to define a market price of installation proceeding from definition of its cost price.

Material inputs are brought in table 5.2.

Labour expenditures make 2000 man-hour, Iчас-1.50 hrn/ man-hour.

We calculate the basic expenses, and bring results in table 5.3:

Table 5.2. Material inputs





Stainless steel

2 т

11200 hrn/t

Carbon steel

0.3 т

100 hrn/t

Vacuum rubber

5 кг

50 hrn/kg

Table 5.3. The basic expenses



Cost, hrn

Stainless steel

2 tons


Carbon steel

0.3 tons


Vacuum rubber

5 kg



2000 man-hour


It is necessary to consider also deductions from remuneration of labour fund in funds of insurance, a pension fund and employment which in the sum make 37 %  RLF, that is -22680·0.37=8391,6 грн.

Except for the listed units the structure of installation includes additional blocks which are finished articles (table 5.4).

The estimated cost of installation makes 72200 hrn.