4.2 Definitions of vacuum system critical parameters and selection of the equipment 88
4.2.1 Definition of design characteristics of the first section of vacuum system.. 90
4.2.2 Definition of design characteristics of the second section of vacuum system.. 97
4.2.3 Definition of design characteristics of the third section of vacuum system.. 106
4.3 Working out of the control system for technological process parameters. 109
4.4 Description of a general view design of technological installation. 111
4.5 Stress calculation of the vacuum chamber bottom.. 113
4.6 Reliability calculation of the vacuum chamber bottom.. 117
5 Estimation of the product unit prime cost 119
6. Safety of habitability. 124
6.1 Safety measures during the work on the equipment entering in IPTI 124
6.2. Calculation of the general input mechanical ventilation in shop. 126
6.3. The analysis of possible extreme situations. 130
6.4 The basic actions on localization and elimination of fires. 132
6.5. Calculation of the sizes of possible entire and separate fires zones. 134
The list of references. 136
VCC - voltage-current characteristic;
PS - pressure sensor;
MAS - magnetron atomizing system;
MS - magnetic system;
WMSFS - working medium storage and feed system;
PSS - power-supply system;
CS - control system;
EV - electrovalve;
VC - vacuum chamber;
TMP - turbo-molecular vacuum pump;
FP - forepump;
IPTI - ion-plasma technological installation;
PA - plasma accelerator;
AAL - accelerator with the anode layer;
B - induction of a magnetic field, tesla;
Ii – ion current, A;
Iр – digit current, A;
j – current density, А/m2;
- mass flow of a working
medium, kg/s;
me- electron mass, kg;
qе – electron charge, C;
Rл – larmor radius, m;
t – process time, s;
T – temperature, K;
Uр – discharge voltage, V;
Uу – accelerating voltage, V;
vр – dispersion speed of the material, m/s;
δ – depositing thickness, m;
μ – magnetic conductivity of environment, H/m;
ρ – material density , kg/m3;
ρэ – specific electric resistance, Ohm/m;
σ – strain, P;
a – conductor width , mm;
b – conductor height, mm;
N - quantity of turns in the coil, pieces;
L - coil length, mm;
Nсл - quantity of turns in one layer, pieces;
Kсл - winding quantity of layers, pieces;
Dc – solenoid diameter, mm;
wе – electron cyclic frequency, Hz;
Р – pressure, P;
q – specific leakage, m3 P·s-1·m-2;
Q – leakage, m3/s;
V – vacuum chamber volume, m3;
L – pipeline length, m;
D – pipeline diameter; hole diameter, m;
S – pumping speed of the pump, m3/s;
Ки – pump use factor;
U – pipeline, hole, elements of system conductivity, m3/s.
- conductivity in the
beginning of i-th site of vacuum system on j-th sector;
- conductivity in the end of
i-th site of vacuum system on j-th sector.
Efficiency, durability, reliability of details, units of machines and devices are substantially defined not volumetric, but surface behavior of used materials. Big opportunities of structure, processing grade, micro geometry, chemical and physical properties of superficial layers of materials management, are opened with application of vacuum methods of high energy plasma technology, based on the surfaces processing by the accelerated ions and plasma streams. These methods allow to form superficial layers of materials with high operational properties and, thus, open new ways of the actual mechanical engineering problems decision, instrument making and other industries.
Till recently for receiving films up to several micron thickness used mainly processes of evaporation and condensation of substances in high vacuum (so-called thermal vacuum method). If it was necessary to receive thicker layers this method was supplemented with a method of an ionic covering, and also thin films electrochemical escalating.
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