The considered cylinder at rotation has the constant area of a surface on which the sprayed covering is besieged, equals to 1/3 area of lateral surface Sц of the considered cylinder. Then we can define the ratio between weights of sprayed and besieged covering:
. (3.12)
The area of the cylinders lateral surface:
S=π·d·h, (3.13)
where d and h – diameter and height of the cylinder accordingly.
The ratio between weight of besieged and sprayed covering:
The weight of sprayed and besieged covering is defined under the formula:
m=Vρ=Sδρ. (3.14)
Then the ratio (3.11) will become:
Sоδо=0,762·Sкδк , (3.15)
where Sо and δо – the total area of filters covers surface and thickness of depositing coverings, Sк and δк – the area of sprayed surface and thickness of the sprayed layer.
Thickness of depositing coverings 0,5 microns, Sк=0.012 m2.
From expression (3.15) we can define δк:
; (3.16)
Time of covering deposition with thickness of 0,5 microns:
, (3.17)
As in designed installation the covering is deposited simultaneously on 15 covers, and film deposition on lateral surfaces of every product is provided by two magnetrons thickness 0,5 microns will make time of covering deposition of 0,05 h. Received time of covering deposition less certain in section 3.1. It speaks that at the given speed of dispersion and the geometrical sizes of the chamber and sources the surface of processable products at moving from clearing compartment in the compartment of covering deposition remains clean from the adsorbed atoms of residual gases.
Thickness of the cathode decreases on 20 … 25 mm in process of its dispersion, hence δк increases a little. Also at reduction of target thickness there is a growth of dispersion intensity because of increase in magnetic field induction.
These factors influence rated conditions of dispersion; however it is not so ssential. The error makes no more than 10 %, and it can be considered by bringing in the correction factor depending on total time of target dispersion.
Proceeding from that in time 0,05 h is necessary to put a covering thickness 0,5 microns also on the bottoms of covers we shall calculate critical parameters of three top magnetrons.
The area of a sprayed cathode surface of this magnetron Sк = 0,006 m2. Proceeding from (3.11) we shall define the ratio between weights of sprayed and besieged covering:
, (3.18)
where Sд = π∙R2 = 0,005 m2, Sп = 0,055 m2.
The ratio between weight of besieged and sprayed covering:
Then the ratio (3.12) will become:
Sоδо=0,45·Sкδк , (3.19)
where Sо and δо – the total area of a surface of the filters cover bottom and thickness of depositing coverings, Sк and δк – the area of sprayed surface and thickness of the sprayed layer.
Thickness of depositing covering 0,5 microns, Sк=0,006 m2.
From expression (3.19) it is determined δк:
; (3.20)
From (3.18) we define dispersion speed of target material in time 0,1 h, and from (3.10) ionic current density:
Proceeding from (3.7) we define discharge current:
Using expressions (3.2-3.6) it is defined working voltage: Uр = 580 V.
Thus, time of covering deposition thickness in 0,5 microns on 3 covers simultaneously in developed installation makes 0,05 hours. So long process of drawing speaks the following:
- A total area of covers surface in 15 times more the areas of sprayed target surface;
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