Разработка ионно-плазменной технологической установки для нанесения функционального покрытия на крышки масляных фильтров, страница 47

Action of light radiation on people can lead to their defeat (there are burns, damage of organs of vision, etc.) and even to destruction. Action of this amazing factor on buildings, constructions, the process equipment, vehicles and other material objects can cause their ignition and damages.

Action of smoke blanketing of an environment on people can lead to burns of the upper airways and damage organs of vision, difficulty of breath or causes oxygen starvation, sharply reduces an opportunity of visual inspection. Action on material objects of smoke blanketing leads to their fuliginosity and to a covering with layer of a combustion materials dust.

Action of chemical environmental contamination by virulent poisonous substances on people can cause their poisoning, difficulty of breath or oxygen starvation. Action of this factor on material objects in some cases can lead to their damage.

Fire is uncontrollable burning beyond the scope of specially allocated fire which leads to material and ecological losses. In turn burning is a chemical reaction of combustible substance with an oxidizer connection which occurs quickly and is accompanied by allocation of heat and light. For occurrence of burning presence in a burning zone of a gas mixture and sources of ignition is necessary.

Principal causes of fires can be:

- Infringement of service regulations of electric systems and the equipment or at discrepancy of class type of a premise, the computers placed in them (short circuit, arcing, an overload);

- The sparks, the open flame - this danger can arise at short circuit of electric systems;

- The smoking, the thrown unextinguished stub, a match, - are the reason of fires.

6.4. The basic actions on localization and elimination of fires

1.       The workplace of the operator should be constantly kept clean, regularly be cleared of extraneous subjects;

2.       In territory of shop categorically it is forbidden:

- To block up prodrivings and entrances to a building, fire water sources;

- To block up access to fire stock;

- The territory of shop should be equipped with signs on safety, according to GOST of 12.4.026-76 "Alarm colors and signs on safety»;

- Application of open fire, to smoke, light matches, except for fiery accidents and other urgent works which should be made according to «The typical instruction on the organization of safe carrying out fiery works on explosive and fire-dangerous objects».

3.       The premise and the equipment need to be cleared periodically from dust and other waste.

4.       Electric networks and the equipment used in, should meet the requirements of operating "Rules of the electroinstallations arrangement», "User rules for operating electrical equipment" and "User safety rules for operating electrical equipment";

5.       Definition of explosive zones of a premise and external installations should be made by technologists together with power engineering specialists of the designing or maintaining organization. The entrance in a premise should have an inscription with the instruction of explosive and fire danger zone.

6.       All electroinstallations should be protected by devices of protection against currents of short circuit and other abnormal modes, able to lead to fires and ignition.

7.       Installed in an electric equipment (switches, cable lines) should be protected by stationary or mobile fire-control unit according to requirements of "Rules of the electroinstallations arrangement».

8. Not to block up access to the fire equipment and stock. To see to completeness of the fire equipment and stock and serviceability of automatics and communication means.

6.5. Calculation of the sizes of possible entire and separate fires zones