For creation of the specified technique it is necessary to consider and analyse a number of processes. In order to simplify the carrying out of the given analysis it is reasonable to divide share consideration of necessary processes into three stages.
1. At the first stage it is necessary to consider, physical bases and a principle of action of magnetron sputtering systems, to define, what processes are sources of heat in magnetron sputtering systems, and also the processes occurring in the discharge gap of magnetron sputtering systems.
2. At the second stage it is necessary to reveal influence of working parameters of technological installation on process of dispersion, namely dependence of dispersion coefficient of the cathode material, a kind of working gas, energy of ions, pressure, conditions of the cathode surface and its temperatures. Besides it is expedient carry out the analysis of the expressions, allowing to define dispersion coefficient and the analysis of angular distribution of the sprayed particles.
3. At the third stage methods of calculation of magnetron sputtering systems discharge characteristics will be considered, function of the sprayed atoms distribution on surfaces of a treated product and other parameters necessary for creation of a technique of a product heat mode estimation.
4. At the fourth stage all materials received in work will be incorporated into uniform system. On the basis of that in view of the collected material and the carried out analysis the attempt to develop the algorithm of calculation of a product heat mode when drawing coverings with help of magnetron sputtering systems will be undertaken.
5. Creation of the software for the COMPUTER which will allow to carry out quickly an estimation of necessary parameters for the determination of a product heat mode when drawing coverings with the help of magnetron sputtering systems will be the fifth stage.
6. At the sixth stage the comparison of carried out estimations with experimental data will be carried out.
2. Physical bases and a principle of action of magnetron sputtering systems
Magnetron sputtering systems have received the name from the SHF devices of M - type (magnetron devices) though, they have nothing in common with them except for presence of the crossed electric and magnetic fields. Magnetron sputtering systems concern to systems of dispersion diode type in which dispersion of material occurs due to bombardment of the target surface by ions of the working gas, formed in gas of abnormal glow discharge [11]. High speed of dispersion, typical for these systems, is achieved by increase in density of the ionic current due to localization of plasma at the sprayed surface of target with the help of strong cross-section magnetic field [17, 18, 23].
There is a big number of various designs of magnetron sputtering systems [2-4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 18, 22, 23, 24], distinguished in the way of creation of magnetic field (and in some cases - its configuration), design of cathode assembly and geometry of the cathode - target. However all types of MSS have common features:
All designs represent two-electrode sputtering system, i.e. contain anode and cathode - target, made of sprayed material and being on negative potential;
In all cases for formation of plasma area the magnetic field which lines have significant curvature, pass through the surface of the cathode - target and should be perpendicular to lines of the electric field is used;
The discharge zone (the dense plasma zone of the low pressure glow discharge) represents the closed configuration and is located above the certain site of the cathode surface in an operative range of magnetic field from which an intensive material dispersion takes place.
The principle of action of magnetron sputtering systems is shown by the example of planar magnetron sputtering system (figures 2.1 and 2.2). Basic elements of the device are the cathode - target, the anode and magnetic system. Field lines of magnetic field are isolated between poles of magnetic system. The surface of the target, located between places of entrance and exit of field lines of magnetic field, is intensively sprayed and looks like the closed path, which geometry is determined by the form of magnetic system poles.
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