Английский язык: Методические указания и задания к контрольным работам для студентов специальности «Техническая эксплуатация транспортного оборудования», страница 26

coastal; fixing; fleet; sonar equipment; safety; research instruments; marine auto-alarm; log; monitoring systems; meet the requirements; monitor; maritime traffic service; visual bearing read-out; Radio Regulations; accurate position fix; noise immunity; manage the work of the fishing fleet; high sensitivity; integrated circuits; provide navigation safety; digital tuning frequency indicator; transmit initial data; obtain accurate position.

Задание 3. Переведите слова и словосочетания.

электронное оборудование; береговой; рыболовный флот; приемник слуховой вахты; гирокомпас; регламент радиосвязи; лаг; система контроля; визуальный отсчет пеленга; гидроакустическое оборудование; высокая чувствительность; помехоустойчивость; точное местонахождение судна; отвечать всем требованиям радиосвязи; получать точное местонахождение судна; проводка судов по узким каналам; широкое применение транзисторов и микросхем; в зависимости от применения; включать широкий ряд приемников.

 Задание 4. Переведите предложения.

1. Современное судовое береговое электронное оборудование способствует безопасности судовождения. 2. Это радиооборудование отвечает всем требованиям радиосвязи морской подвижной службы и Регламента радиосвязи. 3. Судовое электронное оборудование включает широкий ряд приемников, передатчиков, радары, пеленгаторы и эхоакустические приборы. 4. За последние годы использование спутниковых навигационных систем  и импульсно-фазовых навигационных систем становится особенно важным. 5. Навигационные приемники КПИ -5Ф и ПИРС-1М дают штурману возможность определить точное местонахождение судна.

Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What categories does modern marine and shore-based electronic equipment fall into? 2. What is the Soviet radiocommunication equipment noted for? 3. What kind of equipment is of major importance for providing navigation safety in coastal areas, on fishing banks, on navigable routes and in port waters? 4. In what cases are marine direction finders indispensable? 5. What do the “Vega” gyroscopic indicator and the electronic indication log serve for? 6. Why is the use of the receivers of pulse-type phase comparison, satellite and phase comparison radio navigation systems on fishing ships becoming particularly important?

Вариант 2

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно.


a) General remarks

The name Radar derives from “Radio Direction and Range.” The radar instrument gives bearing and distance to an object within its range. The system was originally developed to detect aircraft by an observer on the ground.

The principle employed consists of transmitting short powerful pulses in a concentrated beam, and most of the objects struck by the beam, reflect some of the energy back where it is picked up by a sensitive receiver situated in the same place as the transmitter. The echoes are made visible by means of the cathode ray tube. The antenna is rotating, consequently the complete horizon may be searched. The receiver draws a contour picture of the surroundings including ships and similar objects.

b) Radar at Sea

As an aid to navigation radar may be used only where identifiable objects appear within radar range. Usual ranges for ship radars are about 20 n. miles. Ship radar sets have the advantage of being independent on shore stations.

Modern sets are simple in operation and need relatively little space. Power requirements are approximately 1 kW.

c) Radio direction finding and radio beacons

Bearing by radio is the first electronic aid to navigation. Direction finders were developed during the First World War.

The direction finder consists of a radio receiver with a rotating frame aerial. When the frame is edged to the direction of the transmitter, maximum signal strength is obtained. When the frame is at right angles to the line of signal a minimum or zero signal is the result. The direction of bearing is seen on a scale divided in degrees. The zero signal point is most sharply determined and is used as a point of reference.