Продольное исследование тромбоцита циклическая АТФ в течение здоровой беременности и беременностей в опасности преэклампсии, страница 4

TI: The trend of erythrocyte sodium parallels the pattern of diastolic blood pressure in preeclampsia.

TI: тенденция параллелей натрия эритроцита структура диастолического кровяного давления в преэклампсии.

AU: Tranquilli-AL; Garzetti-GG; Romanini-C

AD: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ancona, Italy.

SO: Acta-Obstet-Gynecol-Scand. 1993 Aug; 72(6): 439-42

AB: OBJECTIVE: To describe the trend of intracellular sodium in patients who develop preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: In this longitudinal study, we determined intraerythrocyte sodium (Nai) in 303 primigravid pregnancies every fourth week from gestational week 10 through week 38. The study group included 274 normotensive and 29 chronic hypertensive gravidae. During the study, 26 normotensive and six chronic hypertensive pregnant women developed preeclampsia. RESULTS: Chronic hypertensives showed higher baseline intraerythrocyte sodium, compared to the normotensives. The women who developed preeclampsia demonstrated a significant increase in Nai concentration from 26-30 weeks onward. Data from blood pressure recordings paralleled data from Nai. CONCLUSION: Due to the possible role of Nai on intracellular free calcium mobilization, our findings support a possible involvement of defective cell membrane function in the development of preeclampsia.

: Описывать тенденцию внутриклеточного натрия у больных который(кто) развивают преэклампсию. ПРОЕКТ ИЗУЧЕНИЯ: В этом продольном изучении, мы определили intraerythrocyte натрий (Nai) в 303 primigravid беременности каждая четвертая неделя с гестациозной недели 10 через неделю 38. Группа изучения включила 274 normotensive и 29 хронического гипертензивного gravidae. В течение изучения, 26 normotensive и шести хронических гипертензивных беременных женщин развивал преэклампсию. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Хронический hypertensives показывал более высокому начальному intraerythrocyte натрию, по сравнению с normotensives. Женщины которая(кто) развитая преэклампсия демонстрировали значительное увеличение Nai концентрации с 26-30 недель вперед. Данные от регистрации кровяного давления соответствовали данные от Nai. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Вследствие возможная роль Nai на внутриклеточной свободной мобилизации кальция, наши результаты поддерживают возможную причастность(вовлечение) дефектной функции мембраны ячейки в развитии преэклампсии.TI: The superoxide generation of neutrophils in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies.

TI: суперокисное поколение нейтрофилов в нормальных и preeclamptic беременностях.

AU: Tsukimori-K; Maeda-H; Ishida-K; Nagata-H; Koyanagi-T; Nakano-H

AD: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Japan.

SO: Obstet-Gynecol. 1993 Apr; 81(4): 536-40

AB: OBJECTIVE: To determine whether preeclampsia enhances superoxide generation of neutrophils. METHODS: Samples were obtained from 12 normal nonpregnant, 15 normal pregnant, and 11 preeclamptic women. The superoxide production of neutrophils was measured by the superoxide dismutase-inhibitable reduction of ferricytochrome C at 550-540 nm using a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer. RESULTS: N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP)-induced superoxide production of neutrophils was significantly higher in preeclamptics than in normal nonpregnant and pregnant subjects, whereas phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced superoxide production did not differ among them. When neutrophils prepared from normal nonpregnant women were preincubated with sera from the study groups, sera from preeclamptics enhanced the FMLP-induced superoxide production to about twice that of the other subjects. The serum-enhancing factor appeared to be a heat-labile protein, different from other known activators. CONCLUSION: Preeclampsia is characterized by the presence of a neutrophil activator that enhances superoxide production. This enhanced production may contribute to the pathophysiologic changes observed in preeclampsia.