Will competition in your market change?
14%increase 12% 10% 8% 6%
4% 2%
0%Decrease |
This result of 68% is a significant decrease to that of the Trengrove and Vryenhoek study that identified 88% (1997, pg 45) of New Zealand companies, believed that there would be an increase of competition within their marketplace.
A chart based on increase of market competition has been provided and includes the 1997 study results in Figure 10.7
Figure 10.7: Increase of market competition
The survey analysis indicates the following key findings:
70% of all respondents confirmed that their main competitors were based in New Zealand and little focus outside of the New Zealand market. Of the surveyed companies, 39% confirmed that their competitors ranged from the 0-5 competitor category, 21% of those companies had a turnover of over 51 million, and their competitors were mainly located in New Zealand. This would suggest that their marketplace is restricted to a relatively small competitor environment.
The survey identified that most of the respondents (73%) competitors were mainly located in New Zealand and they had a strong focus only on the local marketplace and a limited focus outside of New Zealand.
97% of the surveyed company’s believed that they operate in competitive markets and that their current markets would increase (18%) or increase (50%) in competition in the next three years. This is a significant decrease (20%) from the predictions of increased competition expressed by companies in the Trengrove and Vryenhoek study (1997).
Content Analysis:
The content analysis reinforced the above findings and highlights that the current state of the
New Zealand market is very competitive or “cut throat” as described by one surveyed company.
The analysis also suggests that companies who categorised themselves between the “$500k to $50 million” annual company turn-over, took a more reactive approach when dealing with competitor products and services (for example altering pricing or supplier/dealer negotiations). Companies/Organisations who were in the higher turn-over category ($51million and over) had a more strategic approach and were not so reactive when new competitors entered the market, as their marketplace was mature.
Surveyed industries also confirmed the heavy reliance on the use of supplier tools (for example. rebate systems, dealer and product ordering reports, etc.) to not only benchmark themselves against their competitors, but also to provide an analysis of the current state of the market. However, it is important to note, the data from this channel is often ‘ad hoc’ and unstructured, thus requiring further analysis to provide the complete market intelligence.
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