MR. WHITEThat's hard, man. That's a fuckin hard situation.
FREDDY The German Shepherd starts barkin'. He's barkin' at me. I mean it's obvious he's barkin' at me. Every nerve ending, all of my senses, the blood in my veins, everything I has was screaming, "Take off, man, just take off, get the fuck outta there! "Panic hit me like a bucket of water. First there was the shock of it –BAM, right in the face! Then I'm just standin there drenched in panic. And all those sheriffs are lookin at me and they know. They can smell it… (Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs).
В данном примере используются повторы (типа I'm goin' to the little boys room. So I walk into the men's room…) (подчеркнуты штрихом), которые создают иллюзию того, что рассказчик вспоминает реальные события, пытаясь вызвать их в памяти. Также говорящий использует стратегию предупреждения вопроса – Don't ask me why.
(76) KELLER: The man was a fool, but don’t make a murderer out of him (Ann's father). You got no sense? Look what it does to her! (To Ann) Listen, you gotta appreciate what was doin’ in that shop in the war. The both of you! It was a madhouse. Every half hour the Major callin’ for cylinder heads, they were whippin’ us with the telephone. The trucks were hauling them away hot, damn near <...> All of a sudden a batch comes out with a crack. That happens, that’s the business. A fine, hairline crack. All right, so – so he’s a little man, your father, always scared of loud voices. What’ll the Major say? – Half a day’s production shot. … What’ll I say? You know what I mean? Human. (HE pauses) So he takes out his tools and he – covers over the cracks. All right – that’s bad, it’s wrong, but that’s what a little man does. If I could have gone in that day I’d – a told him – junk’em, Steve, we can afford it. But alone he was afraid. But I know he meant no harm. He believed they’d hold up a hundred per cent. That’s a mistake, but not a murder. You mustn’t feel that way about him. You understand me? It ain’t right (Miller, All my sons, p.118).
Келлер описывает реальную ситуацию, однако в ней присутствуют элементы, не имевшие место в реальной ситуации (If I could have gone in that day I’d – a told him – junk’em, Steve, we can afford it. But alone he was afraid), т.к. Келлер знал о сложившейся в мастерской ситуации и, пообещав взять вину на себя, отдал распоряжение маскировать трещины. Но впоследствии он отказался от своих слов, что привело к тому, в тюрьму посадили отца Анн, а его выпустили. В ситуации, из которой взят пример, Келлер пытается оправдать в глазах Анн, путем вставления в рассказ деталей, не имевших место.
Разновидностью частичной фальсификации является рамочная фальсификация, где реальным остается только свершившийся факт, т.е. канва ситуации, а ее содержание полностью заменено (77).
(77) "I've got a problem, Jake."
"Big or little?"
"Little. I lost your deposition." … "Through carelessness." … "I had it in my attaché case," Dill lied. "I put the case down at the newsstand here in the hotel to look at some magazines and when I reached down for it, it was gone."
"Lot of that going on downtown," Spivey said. "What else was in your case?"
Dill decided to embroider his tale. "My airline ticket, some papers, but nothing important. I was wondering if you could come up with another copy of your deposition." …
Dill thanked Spivey again and hung up. He stood, staring down at thee phone, carefully memorizing the lies he had told Spivey …(Thomas, Briarpatch, p. 132).
Диллу пришлось отдать заявление, т.к. ему угрожали. Однако, не желая посвящать друга в эту историю, он изменяет историю, оставив канву – то, что у него нет заявления (I lost your deposition) и наполняет ее новыми событиями (I put the case down at the newsstand here in the hotel to look at some magazines and when I reached down for it, it was gone, в кейсе кроме заявления были <…> airline ticket, some papers, but nothing important). В примере (77) также используется стратегия преуменьшения a little problem.
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