Жирная кислотная структура эстерифицированных и свободных жирных кислот в сыворотке женщин с нормальной и пред--eclamptic беременностью, страница 15

: Там увеличивает признак, что неустойчивость между продуктами арахидонового кислотного метаболизма (таких как(типа) простагландины, простациклин и тромбоксан A2) и продукты перикисного окисления липидов могли бы иметь роль в патогенезе преэклампсии. Чтобы изучать некоторых из изменений(замен), имеющих место в преэклампсии, плазменные концентрации обязательных жирных кислот и продуктов перикисного окисления липидов [измеренный как thiobarbituric - кислота (tba) - реактивное вещество(сущность)] было оценено в 25 пациентах с тяжелой преэклампсией и 20 нормальными беременными субъектами контроля(управления). Арахидоновая кислотная концентрация (медиана и диапазон) была значительно выше в пред--eclamptic группе (14.1; 11.0-19.8 micrograms/L) по сравнению с нормальными беременными субъектами (2.5; 2.0-4.4 micrograms/L). Плазменная концентрация tba - РЕАКТИВНОЕ вещество(сущность) была также значительно выше в пред--eclamptic случаях (14.8; 13.4-16.8 против 11.4; 9.0-12.8). Эти результаты предлагают, что арахидоновая кислота и продукты перикисного окисления липидов могут играть роль в патогенезе преэклампсии.

TI: Pre-eclampsia associated with increased lipid peroxidation and decreased serum vitamin E levels.

: Преэклампсия, связанная с увеличенным перикисным окислением липидов и сниженным серологическим витамином E уровни.

AU: Yanik-FF; Amanvermez-R; Yanik-A; Celik-C; Kokcu-A

AD: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.

SO: Int-J-Gynaecol-Obstet. 1999 Jan; 64(1): 27-33


AB: OBJECTIVE: To evaluate lipid peroxidation and the serum levels of the antioxidant vitamin E in pre-eclampsia according to the disease severity. METHOD: Serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and vitamin E levels were measured in 18 pre-eclamptic, 15 eclamptic and 25 normotensive pregnant women in Ondokuz Mayis University Hospital. The correlation of these levels with the factors indicating disease severity was tested. Mann-Whitney U-test and correlation coefficients were used for the statistical analysis. RESULT: Both the pre-eclamptic and the eclamptic patients had higher MDA and lower vitamin E levels compared with control (P < 0.05); but these values were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05). MDA levels were significantly correlated with the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) and with serum uric acid levels. There was significant but negative correlation with the vitamin E levels. CONCLUSION: There is an imbalance between lipid peroxidation and serum vitamin E levels in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Increased lipid peroxidation is well correlated with the increase in systolic and diastolic BP measurements and serum uric acid levels.

TI: Increased contents of phospholipids, cholesterol, and lipid peroxides in decidua basalis in women with preeclampsia.

Увеличенное содержание фосфолипидов, холестерина, и пероксидов липида в децидуальной оболочке basalis в женщинах с преэклампсией.

AU: Staff-AC; Ranheim-T; Khoury-J; Henriksen-T

AD: Institute for Nutrition Research, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aker Hospital, University of Oslo, Norway.

SO: Am-J-Obstet-Gynecol. 1999 Mar; 180(3 Pt 1): 587-92


AB: OBJECTIVES: Accelerated recovery from preeclampsia has been reported after postpartum curettage. Lipid deposition in decidual spiral arteries (acute atherosis) is a histologic feature of preeclampsia. Increased tissue content of lipids is associated with enhanced formation of lipid peroxides, which are compounds that may induce endothelial dysfunction. We hypothesized that the content of lipids and lipid peroxides is elevated in decidua basalis tissues of women with preeclampsia compared with those of women with uneventful pregnancies.Study Design: Decidua basalis tissues were obtained with a vacuum aspiration technique during cesarean delivery from 30 preeclamptic and 34 uneventful pregnancies. Total cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides, free fatty acids, and lipid peroxides were quantified. RESULTS: Significantly elevated contents of phospholipids, total cholesterol, and lipid peroxides were found in preeclamptic decidua basalis tissues, whereas the contents of triglycerides and free fatty acids did not differ significantly from those of the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Decidua basalis tissues, with their elevated lipid content, may be a source of lipid compounds that can cause maternal endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia.