О проекте
Обучение и курсы
Гуманитарные предметы
Иностранные языки
Английский язык
Сибирская академия государственной службы (СибАГС)
Конспекты лекций
Communication is the process of imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others
Decision making. Everyone is a Decision Maker. Types of Managerial Decisions. Identifying the Problem
Decision making. Types of Managerial Decisions. Identifying the Problem. Types of Problems. Collecting and Analysing the Data
Everyone liked the catchy tune of that TV commercial. At the car exhibition, that ultra-modern car - like something from outer-space - really caught, eye everyone's
Goal setting. MBO includes goal setting by all managers down to the first level of supervision
Maslow. The work of managers is to ensure that staff work efficiently in an organisation. Herzberg's. Another theory of motivation is Frederick Herzberg's 'two-factor' theory
Motivation. Psychologists who study the subject of human behavior and personality generally are convinced that all behavior of human
Performance appraisal. Most organisations have some form of performance appraisal of their employees
Scientific Management. How Organisations Function. Basic Considerations. The Classical School
Strategic planning. Strategic planning is a process that involves the review of market conditions. Developing a Statement: Key Elements
Supervisory time. The old saying that "time is money" applies with equal force to both the supervisor's own time and to employees' tim
The interview is a meeting between an employer and an applicant to talk about a job. We need to consider this from both points of view
The manager's role. Our society is made up of all kinds of organisations, such as companies, government departments, unions
The most widespread form of a greeting in Germany is a strong hand shake. Punctuality is very important, it is no more delay than on a quarter of hour
The new Assessment Centre. General Plastics PLc is located in the north-east of England - an area of high unemployment
The old saying that "time is money" applies with equal force to both the supervisor's own time and to employees' time
The work of managers is to ensure that staff work efficiently in an organisation. Physiological needs. Social needs
Understanding the main points. Supposing you were Communications Manager in a large organisation, what advice would you give managers to avoid communications problems
Управление временем. Контролирующее время. Календарные планы работы служащего
Курсовые работы
Социально – экономическая привлекательность города Куйбышева. Анализ социально – экономической привлекательности города Куйбышева