Грамматика и понимание содержания текста. Порядок слов в предложении. Обратный порядок слов в английском предложении, страница 5

There are reports suggesting a participation of the liver in the regulation of the activity.

Данный оборот может быть осложнен, т.е. в его состав могут входить, например, модальные глаголы, а вместо формы tobe употребляются глаголы, например: exist, live, etc.:

There exist a lot of arguments supporting this theory.

3. One в предложениях типа:

One should remember  (следует помнить)

One never knows (никогда не знаешь), etc.

The sizes of the saphenous veins at the level of the ankle seem to be larger than one would expect for vessels carrying blood from the skin of the foot only.

Сказуемое всегда выражено личной формой глагола (либо она входит в его состав). О личных формах глагола см. последующие разделы.

Дополнение  может быть выражено:

1) существительным без предлога, не занимающим 1 место в предложении: 

Early reports compared the incidence of disorders in patients before and after taking lithium prophylactically. For the past twenty years, at least, deaths from vaccination have exceeded deaths from smallpox itself.

2) существительным с предлогом:

The abnormalities found in the present studies are unrelated to haemorrhage.

3) местоимением:

We presented them (the results) as comparisons of observed values with expected values  based on the control series.

4) инфинитивом глагола:

Various hypotheses have tried to explain the mechanism of action of the intrauterine device.

6)  отглагольной формой (герундием, отглагольным существительным):

The incidental effects of heparinisation may contribute to our understanding of the toxemic process. A woman of 33 complained of neck swelling, excessive sweating, and tiredness for 4 weeks. The surgeon may be helped by knowing the site of bleeding beforehand.

7) придаточным предложением:

Many studies indicate that the incidence of clinical nerve damage is related to the severity of the diabetes.

We don’t know yet whether the microbiologically inactivated gentamicin is still ototoxic.

Обстоятельство может быть выражено:

1)  наречием:

Recently, we observed similar improvement in hemodynamic parameters following administration of FDP (Esafostina).

2)  существительным с предлогом:

The distribution of the ischemic alteration in the two cases was typical of that due to cardiac arrest.

The results of this course of treatment must be regarded with caution.

In view of these conflicting opinions, we tried to evaluate the clinical and electromyographic criteria.

A lower urine-sodium concentration also usually occurs on the side of the lesion, because of increased tubular reabsorption of sodium.

Иногда обстоятельство может быть выражено и существительным без предлога:

Last year I graduated from the university.

3)  инфинитивом глагола (со значением цели):

The following investigation was undertaken  to examine this possibility.

To determine factors leading to pleural effusion after hepatectomy, the frequency of pleural effusion was investigated  in 68 patients.

4)  отглагольной формой (герундием, причастием или оборотами с этими формами):

When taken into account these findings can change the clinical approach to the problem.

Using similar techniques, Hansell et al. recently published indirect calorimetry data from cancer patients.

Considering the location and the time of appearance of these glandular cells, the authors concludes that these cells are most likely identical with those described in mice.

5)  придаточным предложением с союзами (союзными словами) when,where, if, in case, because, so that, that’s why, etc.

The measurement of blood flow through any one or two vessels of a bone would not give a total measurement since there are many arteries and veins other than the cannulated vessel.

While differential renal-function studies were valuable as a diagnostic procedure, they are technically difficult to perform.