Гипертензивные нарушения беременности. Материнские и эмбриональные результаты лабораторных исследований, страница 25

AU: Halligan-AW; Shennan-A; Lambert-PC; Bell-SC; Taylor-DJ; de-Swiet-M

AD: University of Leicester, UK.

SO: Br-J-Obstet-Gynaecol. 1997 May; 104(5): 559-62


AB: OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relation between antenatal clinic, obstetric day unit and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurements and 24-hour proteinuria levels in hypertensive pregnancies. DESIGN: An observational study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-eight women presenting with new hypertension after 20 weeks of gestation. RESULTS: The closest relation was found between ambulatory blood pressure measurements and 24-hour proteinuria levels. No significant relation was found between the conventional diastolic blood pressure threshold of 90 mmHg and 24-hour proteinuria levels. CONCLUSIONS: Ambulatory blood pressure measurement gives better information about disease status in pre-eclampsia as assessed by proteinuria than does conventional sphygmomanometry.

Чтобы исследовать отношение между дородовой клиникой, акушерская единица дня и 24-часовые размеры(измерения) кровяного давления амбулатории и 24-часовая протеинурия выравниваются в гипертензивных беременностях. ПРОЕКТ: наблюдательное изучение. УЧАСТНИКИ: Сорок восемь представления женщин к новой артериальной гипертензии после 20 недель беременности. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: самое близкое отношение было найдено между размерами(измерениями) кровяного давления амбулатории и 24-часовыми уровнями протеинурии. Никакое значительное отношение не было найдено между обычным диастолическим порогом кровяного давления и 24-часовых уровней протеинурии на 90 мм рт.ст.. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЯ: измерение кровяного давления Амбулатории дает лучшую информацию о статусе болезни в преэклампсии как оценено протеинурией чем, делает обычный sphygmomanometry.

TI: High sensitivity test for the early diagnosis of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. I. Predictable variability of cardiovascular characteristics during gestation in healthy and hypertensive pregnant women.

: Высокая проба на чувствительность для раннего диагноза гестациозной артериальной гипертензии и преэклампсии. Я. Предсказуемая вариабильность сердечно-сосудистых характеристик в течение беременности в здоровых и гипертензивных беременных женщинах.

AU: Hermida-RC; Ayala-DE; Mojon-A; Fernandez-JR; Silva-I; Ucieda-R; Iglesias-M

AD: Bioengineering and Chronobiology Laboratories, E.T.S.I. Telecomunicacion, Campus Universitario, University of Vigo, Spain.

SO: J-Perinat-Med. 1997; 25(1): 101-9


AB: The evaluation of predictable variability in blood pressure and heart rate by (a) the use of fully ambulatory devices, and (b) the proper processing of the time series thus obtained, can be useful in assessing early cardiovascular disease risk in pregnancy. We have used this approach to quantify a predictable time structure of blood pressure throughout pregnancy in clinically healthy women as well as in pregnant women who developed gestational hypertension of preeclampsia. We analyzed a total of 745 blood pressure series sampled by ambulatory monitoring for about 48 hours in each of several occasions in 189 women with uncomplicated pregnancies, 71 with gestational hypertension, and 29 with preeclampsia. The pattern of variation along gestation of the 24-hour mean of blood pressure for groups of normotensive and hypertensive pregnant women was established by polynomial regression analysis. Regression analysis revealed predictable patterns of variation of 24-hour means with gestational age: for normotensive pregnant women, results indicate a steady decrease in blood pressure up to the 20th week of pregnancy, followed by an increase in blood pressure up to the day of delivery. Women with gestational hypertension or preeclampsia are characterized, however, by a continuous linear increase of blood pressure with gestational age, starting from the beginning of pregnancy. This study confirms and extends to ambulatory everyday life conditions the predictable pregnancy-associated variability in blood pressure. The differences between uncomplicated and complicated pregnancies offer new endpoints for an early identification of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.